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Welcome to 4th Grade!! You are now a Jasper Page!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade!! You are now a Jasper Page!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade!! You are now a Jasper Page!
Come in, find your seat and sit down quietly. If you are eating breakfast, do that first, then follow the rest of the directions. Your breakfast trash MUST be placed in the trash cans in the hall. There should NOT be any food items in the classroom trash cans at any time. Please leave any class supplies you have at your desk. I will ask for them later. 3. If you need to sharpen your pencil, you may do so at this time then begin working on the two worksheets on your desk. “It’s Good To Know You” – fill in the blanks for each of the questions asked, try not to leave any blank Puzzle Piece – Complete each of the pieces and then color each section. Be careful not to color too dark that your words cannot be seen. 4. If you finish both of these activities, sit quietly and wait for the school announcements or instructions from me.

2 “ALL ABOUT ME” Mrs. Lisa McGirt
Born in Charleston, SC moved to Lumberton when I was 2. Schools: Rowland Norment, Tanglewood, Carroll Middle, Lumberton Jr., Lumberton High College: UNCP (Elementary Ed) Master’s Degree (Elem. Ed) Teaching Experience: 11 years First year in 4th grade

3 F A M I L Y Married to Mr. Ryan McGirt Sons: Dakota and Caleb
1 sister, 1 dog: Toby

4 Favorite Things

5 “All About Jasper Pages”
Behavior Plan Rules Your behavior will be recorded daily. The information recorded will be transferred into your Friday folder weekly. Friday folders are sent home on Friday afternoons and returned on Mondays with a parent or guardians signature. However, if you are to exceed 3 reminders about behavior a day, parents will be contacted immediately. A note will be sent home on that day and you will be expected to return it the next day with a signature. This is your WARNING. If notes are NOT returned after the second day of receiving them, you will receive a phone call. If you receive more than 3 notes, you will then be sent to Mrs. Robinson Bring ALL materials and be ready to LEARN daily. One person speaks at a time. Respect others and they will respect you. Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself. Need to know something about our class? Visit our website!

6 Entering the Classroom
What do I do first when I walk in? Go straight to your desk (no standing around or grouping up at other desk) If you are eating breakfast, you should always eat before doing anything else. After eating, place your trash in the trash can in the hall, NEVER in the classroom trash can. Once you finish eating/if you are not eating, look for directions on the board as to what needs to be done each morning. Remember to READ them carefully!! You will have until 8:05 every morning to eat, unpack, and prepare for class. How do I enter the classroom? You enter quietly in singles, not in a group As you come I should be standing at the door to greet you. If you are ever the first one to come into the classroom in the mornings and I am not in the room, you should wait beside the door until I (or another teacher) have given you permission to go in. You are to go to your desk and look for directions on how to start your day.

7 Entering the Classroom Unpacking
Where do I put my homework, notes, and/or Friday folder? On the side counter is a designated box for each of these items. Please make sure that as you unpack you are placing any of these items you may have in the box. I will not be asking you for them. If they are not in the box when I check for them, I will assume that you did not have anything to turn in. Where do I put my books/bookbag after I unpack? You each have been assigned a cubby/cabinet to place your materials in Once you unpack you will place the materials that are not needed on your shelf in the cubby and hang your bookbag on a hook in the cabinet.

8 Entering the Classroom Starter Assignment/Announcements
Do I have to stop what I am doing when announcements come on? Yes! It is very important that you are focused and listening to the announcements, therefore, you should always stop whatever you are doing. Absolutely no talking or moving around during this time! You are asked to recite the pledges every morning. We will be reciting them as a class while Mrs. Sellers recites them on the intercom. The pledges are located on the front wall Where do I find my starter? You will either have a journal to complete, a page from one of your workbooks, or a worksheet on your desk. The directions for your starter will always be on the board. Always read the directions BEFORE starting. Starters are always to be done alone. There should be no talking while working. You are to remain quiet so we will hear the announcements as they come on.

9 Entering the Classroom Late
What do I do if I am late? If you arrive after the tardy bell (8:00), you must go into the front office with the person who is dropping you off to sign in. If you come in after 8:00 and you ARE NOT on a late bus, you MUST have a tardy pass to enter the classroom. Where do I put my tardy pass? As you come in, you are to place your tardy in the pink bucket by the door. DO NOT interrupt me to give me your pass. How do I find out what materials I need and/or the assignment I should be working on? You should quietly ask your group members. DO NOT interrupt me to ask me questions about what materials you need or what you should be working on. If your group members cannot help, then you may raise your hand and wait for me to call. I will then assist you.

10 Class Procedures Getting my Attention During Instruction:
To ask a question or to make a comment during my instruction, you are to raise your hand and wait for me to address you before speaking. Please know that I might not call on you as soon as you raise your hand. I may need to finish a sentence/topic before I call on you. Please be patient. Also, if I am helping another student, do not interrupt me to get my attention. Raise your hand and I will help you when I am done. When am I Allowed to Leave my Seat? You are allowed to leave your seat to go to the pencil sharpener, get a tissue, walk over to my desk for help, get something from your cubby, etc anytime that I AM NOT teaching. If I AM teaching, you are ONLY allowed to leave your seat to get a tissue when needed. If any other emergency should happen, raise your hand and I will address you. Lining Up: Before lining up, make sure the items on your desk are secure and will not fall off when people walk by. You will be called to line up in groups (2 groups at a time). When your group is called, if you are not ready to get in line, you are finish what you are doing and then get in line behind the last person. You do not have to cut in line to join in with your group.

11 Class Procedures (cont’d)
Classwork: Classwork will be divided into 3 categories: group work, partner work, and individual work Group Work: (3 or more) When working in groups, each member will be assigned a role/task they are to do to keep the group working and to make sure the group has all their materials (one person should not be doing it all). Voice levels must also be at the appropriate level (see chart) Partner Work: (2 people) When working in partners, you are to talk ONLY to the person that has been assigned to work with you. If you choose to talk to someone other than your partner, you will be asked to separate and will complete the assignment alone. Individual Work: (alone) When working on individual work you are not to talk to those around or help each other with the work. It is during this time that you should raise your hand or come to my desk if you have a question or need help with the assignment.

12 Class Procedures (cont’d)
Homework: Homework will be given 3 nights a week (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) Homework will be written on the homework board. It is your responsibility to make sure you are copying the assignment into your planner each day that it is assigned. Homework will not be on my website! If the homework assignment consist of a worksheet or a page from your math book, it is to be placed inside your homework folder. Remember to turn in your homework in the box labeled “homework” the next day after it has been assigned. Late homework: The highest grade you will receive on late homework is an 80. You will ONLY be allowed to turn in late homework up to 2 days AFTER the day it was assigned. After that it will be counted as a 0.

13 Class Procedures Dismissal
We will begin preparing for dismissal about 10 minutes before the bell. You will be called to your lockers 1 at a time for each shelf. (ex: all top shelf lockers #s 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25). Once you are packed up, you will then return back to your seat until it is time to get in line to leave. Bus Riders will leave at 3:00. Car/Van Riders and Afterschool care leave at 3:05. Ms. Aldrich and I will be working together in the afternoons to make sure everyone is getting to where they need to be to go home. You are to NEVER leave out on your own or just because you hear the bell. A teacher will always inform you of when it is time to leave.

14 “All About CMS” Hallways Restroom Walk quietly and with a purpose
Stay on the right in a straight line Return to class promptly Make responsible decisions Be quiet Treat others and their property as you would like to be treated Give others proper space Keep the floors and walls clean Always walk Look forward Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Keep any items you have in your left hand Walk around others and obstacles Stand quietly in line while you wait Be attentive to when it is your turn Leave school items outside the restroom Make responsible decisions Stay quiet Listen to the bathroom monitor Flush toilets Wash your hands Keep walls and floor clean Keep your hands and feet to yourself Refrain from standing on the toilet seats or hanging from the stalls

15 “All About CMS” Recess Cafeteria Wear proper attire
Bring necessary playground equipment Make responsible decisions Keep up with your items Use good sportsmanship Follow game rules Line up with your class with the whistle blows Report dangerous situations or behaviors Keep hands and feet to self Refrain from playing with sticks, leaves, and creatures No playing or walking in or through the woods Know your lunch number Stand in line quietly and be attentive Get all needed items the first time through the lunch line Make responsible decisions Be respectful Talk quietly to people around you Leave all food items in the cafeteria Clean up after yourself Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep legs out of aisles Line up in an orderly manner Walk to your destination Clean up spills

16 “All About CMS” How do I treat other teachers/staff members at CMS?
my peers? Peers are not just your classmates, but any student that you come in contact with at CMS. Our staff strives to treat all the students fairly and we expect our students to do the same. If someone is bothering you, says something to you that is inappropriate, or hurts your feelings then you are to let me (or the teacher you are with at that time) know immediately. Do not wait until the next day or if it happens in enrichment, don’t wait to tell me. If it happens during my class time, get out a piece of paper and write down what has happened and give to me when I finish the lesson. If I am not teaching, you are free to come up to me to tell me or write it down on a piece of paper if you feel uncomfortable talking about it. You will never be called out in front of the class if this situation occurs. We will speak privately, in the hall, or when others are not around. How do I treat other teachers/staff members at CMS? Everyone at CMS is working together to ensure that you will have a successful school year. Therefore, any teacher or staff member has the right to correct you, praise you, or help you when you need assistance. DO NOT ever be afraid to speak to one of these adults. I may not always be around when you need something. Also, please be respectful of our teachers and staff and listen to what they say, even if they are correcting your behavior.

17 End of the Day Reminders
If you did not return your packet of information, you are to get that filled out and brought back tomorrow. Remember Dismissal Routine! Ms Aldrich will walk down with the bus riders. Car riders will stay with me until it is time to leave. I hope you enjoyed your first day at CMS!!

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