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“Is it easy to have twin sister?”

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1 “Is it easy to have twin sister?”
Project method “Is it easy to have twin sister?” Work made by Cheresh Yaroslava, Cheresh Alexandra 8b Teacher : Orlova E.V.

2 The object of the work – twin sisters.
The subject – life of the twin sisters. The goal of the work is to show if it is good and so easy to have a twin. Hypothesis - let assume that you have a twin sister, how will you live with her, spend most of your time together.

3 the following problems:
to find out who twins are; to learn how they are differ from each other; to find the way how to understand twins life.


5 Twins are two people that are born at the same time.

6 There are identical twins.
(Which I and my sister happen to be)

7 These are the three popular questions that are asked almost every day of our life, and these are the answers to them. Yes we are born on the same day Yes, that does mean we have the same birthday Yes, that means we both are the exact same age.

8 I have that person. She's my twin.
Everyone needs a person who can accept them as they are, with all of one's shortcomings. I have that person. She's my twin.

9 It is truly a gift to be able to see your own life from another's perspective.

10 Yaroslava Alexandra

11 A common stereotype about twins is that they are exactly alike, clones if you will. They look alike and may have similar behaviors

12 Identical twins have the same DNA Identical twins can have different heights and weights. This is because height and weight are controlled by what you eat as well your DNA.

13 Another physical difference -fingerprints.

14 no matter how similar two people's DNA is, they will always be unique.

15 if you're going to be a teenager, it's best to do it with a co-twin by your side.

16 Many twins are great friends and take pleasure in being in each other's company.

17 Do we feel each other’s pain?

18 As babies we used to have our own language

19 “Why do we have names that are similar?”
we had similar clothes All of our clothes were the same, except for the color

20 I have been asked “how does it feel like being a twin
I have been asked “how does it feel like being a twin?” - We usually answer “How does it feel being a person without a twin?”

21 All twins in our school said that they can’t imagine their lives without twin sister or brother


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