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Review PowerPoint Stages 3 & 4

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1 Review PowerPoint Stages 3 & 4

2 -ere verbs -ire verbs 1st Conjugation Verbs: -are verbs
specto, spectare exspecto, exspectare canto, cantare laboro, laborare 3rd Conjugation Verbs: -ere verbs bibo, bibere disco, discere quaero, quaerere 2nd Conjugation Verbs: -eo, -ēre verbs sedeo, sedēre rideo, ridēre 4th Conjugation Verbs: -ire verbs audio, audire dormio, dormire venio, venire

3 How to create these forms from your Vocabulary List forms:
For 1st, 2nd, and 4th Conjugation Verbs: Go to the 2nd Principal Part Drop the re from the end Add the letter t when he/she/it or a singular noun is the subject.

4 Exempla canto, cantare go to the 2nd Principle Part cantare
drop the re canta add a t cantat – he/she/it is singing Exempla

5 sedeo, sedēre sedēre sede sedet audio, audire audire audi audit

6 3rd Conjugation Verbs Go to the 2nd Principal Part
Drop the ere from the end Add the letters it

7 Exempla bibo, bibere go to the 2nd Principle Part bibere drop the ere
add an it bibit – he/she/it is drinking Exempla

8 quaero, quaerere quaerere quaer quaerit

9 If ego means I… why do you think this verb ends in ‘o’ instead of ‘t’?

10 Grumio est coquus. Grumio cenam coquit.

11 Why did this verb change occur?
Grumio est coquus. Grumio inquit: “ego sum coquus.” Grumio in culina laborat. Grumio inquit: “ego in culina laboro.”

12 If ego means I, what do you think ‘tu’ means?

13 What happens to the verb ending when ‘you’ are the subject?

14 Why did this verb change occur?
Grumio est coquus. Caecilius inquit: “Grumio, tu es coquus.” Grumio in culina laborat. Caecilius inquit: “Grumio, tu in culina laboras”

15 What do we mean by 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person?
1st Person (I) laudo 2nd Person (you) laudas 3rd Person (s/he, it, sing. noun) laudat

16 -o -mus -s -tis -t -nt In Latin Singular Plural 1st Person 2nd Person
3rd Person -t -nt

17 In English Singular Plural 1st Person I We 2nd Person You Y’all
3rd Person s/he/it or singular noun they or plural nouns

18 laudat S/he praises S/he is praising

19 laudo I praise I am praising

20 laudas You praise You are praising

21 bibis You drink You are drinking

22 bibit s/he drinks s/he is drinking

23 sedeo I sit I am sitting

24 sedes You sit You are sitting

25 disco I learn I am learning

26 discis You learn You are learning

27 curris You run You are running

28 clamo I shout I am shouting

29 clamat s/he shouts s/he is shouting

30 dormis You sleep You are sleeping

31 est s/he is

32 es You are

33 sum I am

34 To Say I Verb 1st Principal Part
The 1st Principal part in Vocab is the “I verb” form. laudo = I praise or I am praising ago = I do or I am doing audio = I hear or I am hearing sedeo = I sit or I am sitting

35 To say YOU verb (1st, 2nd and 4th Conjugations)
Drop the RE from the end of the 2nd principal part. Then add S instead of T. laudas = You praise or you are praising audis = You hear or you are hearing sedes = You sit or you are sitting

36 How to create these forms from your Vocabulary List forms:
For 1st, 2nd, and 4th Conjugation Verbs: (-are, -eo, -ēre, -ire) Go to the 2nd Principal Part Drop the re from the end Add the letter s when you is the subject.

37 Exempla canto, cantare go to the 2nd Principle Part cantare
drop the re canta add a s cantas – you are singing Exempla

38 sedeo, sedēre sedēre sede sedes audio, audire audire audi audis

39 3rd Conjugation Verbs To say “you verb”, just like with ‘he/she/it’ you drop the ERE and add IS. agis = you do or you are doing bibis = you drink or you are drinking

40 Exempla for 3rd bibo, bibere go to the 2nd Principle Part bibere
drop the ere bib add an is bibis – you are drinking Exempla for 3rd

41 What kinds of words are ego and tu?

42 Mini Lesson: Pronouns ego – I tu – you nos – we vos – y’all
Get out your conjugations slip …

43 Match the Pronouns to their Verbs
1. ego (I) a) laudamus 2. tu (you) b) laudo 3. nos (we) c) laudas 4. vos (y’all) d) laudatis

44 Answers… 1. ego laudo 2. tu laudas 3. nos laudamus 4. vos laudatis

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