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Developments in colorectal surgery

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1 Developments in colorectal surgery
Mr SV Gurjar Consultant Colorectal Surgeon & Clinical Director 11th October 2017

2 In the news….!

3 What will I be talking about?
The L&D colorectal surgeons and team – an overview. How has colorectal surgery developed over the decades… What do we offer? What the future holds?

4 Colorectal Surgeons Currently 6 surgeons in post; an extra surgeon is starting in January with a colorectal and paediatric interest Part of a 12 consultant on call service to offer acute and elective general and colorectal surgery to local population Weekday dual consultant rota Aim for colorectal surgeons to do the major colorectal work (eg resections, coloproctology and stoma formation)

5 Colorectal surgery has evolved…


7 From big incisions to small ones…!

8 Origins of keyhole surgery
Urology Gynaecology – to look at ovaries and tubes Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder extraction) Prof Mühe, Böblingen, Germany 12th September 1985 First colectomy (colon removal) was in the 1990s Initial fears about oncological safety: was this as safe a way to remove a bowel cancer as the old fashioned approach?

9 The age of colorectal trials
To prove the clinical effectiveness of keyhole techniques Multi-centre Worldwide (UK, USA, Europe & Australasia) eg COST (Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Therapy) COLOR (Colon carcinoma or Open resection) CLASICC (Conventional vs Lap-assisted surgery in colon cancer) All showed equivalence in terms of overall survival, disease-free survival and rates of local recurrence

10 Biggest benefits Length of stay is significantly reduced
in conjunction with enhanced recovery principles Experience of pain Earlier return of bowel function Immune benefits body immune response is lessened and thereby recovery is quicker Smaller scars – patients prefer!

11 NICE Technology Guidance TA105 (issued 2006)

12 What do we offer at L&D 5 surgeons are competent in laparoscopic (keyhole) techniques 1 surgeon is focused on the complex cases that need an open approach Multi-disciplinary discussion of all cases involves all specialties in decision-making process Team-working approach shared overview on weekly basis joint consultant operating for the difficult cases

13 Multi-disciplinary approach
Pre-operative counselling from CNS team Stoma team Point of contact Named nurse who is available during the patient journey for any issues/concerns Longer term nursing follow-up Five year colorectal nurse-led surveillance Stoma care in the community Ease of access and return to main clinic if need arises

14 SILS – Single incision laparoscopic surgery
Means that all operating is done through one larger port usually at/around umbilicus Technically more challenging and time-consuming

15 SILS – Single incision laparoscopic surgery


17 taTME

18 taTME – transanal TME Trans—anal approach to excision of rectum
Newest technique, currently undergoing evaluation Will allow two teams to operate from top and from bottom, thereby shortening operative time Oncological safety Suited for elderly patients needing shorter operative time and anaesthesia, or male pelvis with low rectal tumour

19 Role of Enhanced Recovery
Combination of evidence-based strategies which synergistically help to expedite recovery after surgery Fast-track surgery Multi-modal optimisation Irene will discuss separately

20 The future: is it robotic??
First performed in 2001: added degrees of freedom which can improve access in the difficult pelvis Based on da Vinci system (Intuitive Surgical) Concept of robotic total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer first reported in 2006 Better TMEs and nerve preservation? Jury is out – role is evolving. Early results from ROLARR (Robotic vs Laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer) show no real advantage. Its time may come…

21 Da Vinci robot system

22 In conclusion: Colorectal surgery has come a LONG way
Surgery is no good in isolation Multi-disciplinary approach is essential Involve the patient & embrace innovation


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