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GIS Dr. Georgeanne C. Hribar Dr. Dennis C. Hribar

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Presentation on theme: "GIS Dr. Georgeanne C. Hribar Dr. Dennis C. Hribar"— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS Dr. Georgeanne C. Hribar Dr. Dennis C. Hribar
Mrs. Christina Troxell June 24, 2016

2 We Believe . . . EVERYTHING occurs in both time and space.
Maps are more than Location Inquiry unlocks Meaning Maps form the basis for Inquiry Exploration of maps is an essential literacy skill He or she who makes the map learns the MOST

3 of maps

4 Geoinquiry #1 Ecosystems and biomes
What skills were included in the exploration? How could this be used in your classroom? Why is it important to preview activities? Test with a student log-in.

5 ConnectED Initiative \\your students to new places
Take your students to new places

6 Teacher Travel Dreams Go to
Search for Teacher Travel Dreams. Click apps Fill out form Check out entries of others View the map

7 Maggie The movie eature=em-subs_digest

8 Geoinquiry #2 Sacred Sites
What new tools did you use?

9 Explore a Map What other tools could you use?
Ways to define Virginia Regions What did you learn from exploring the map? Content? GIS Skills? Thinking Skills? What other tools could you use?

10 GIS Geek Speak Feature Attribute Layer Point Line Polygon

11 The Shared Public Account
User name: June_WS Password: geography1 Go to My Content—view your folder Select a pre-made map. Save as to your account.

12 The Task Open one of the maps in my Content. Save As to your account.
Examine the table. Show/hide columns Create a filter. Save the filtered layer. Rename the filtered layer. Add bookmarks. Save the map.


14 Geoinquiry #3 What skills were used in the geoinquiry?
How could those skill support student inquiry?

15 Map Notes Allows you to “draw” on the map.
Finding an image on the Internet demo Search for Samuel Slater. Wikipedia good for images. Check for copyright. Open the image until you have a relatively short URL that ends in jpeg, gif, or png. Capture the image URL. Paste on top line of map note.

16 Take a Look This _Jordan_BW_36.JPG Not this: &imgrefurl= rdan_BW_36.JPG&h=185&w=272&sz=1&tbnid=0_Tpvg7jX ThokM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=235&zoom=1&usg=__eSNF4- 55ytYvukNcuf0ZK_u- xCg=&docid=7yQLDPASNkAjeM&itg=1&sa=X&ei=0rnpUp KpMvfLsASWwIG4DA&ved=0CLcBEPwdMAs

17 When the Link Doesn’t Work
Check for double Check to see that URL for image is on the top line Make sure link ends in jpeg, png, gif To test, make sure the edit button is off Click edit at the bottom of the Pop-up to make changes

18 Reflection The Skill Builder document
What skills have you already used? Got it? Heard of it? Clueless?

19 Change Style Activity Data representation is key to making a map tell stories. Go to Gallery. Search for World Population_Landstown. Select the map by vgagis. Categorical or numeric data. Why does it matter. SMART MAPPING.

20 Add Data Open a From within the map, select ADD
Search for Layers in ArcGIS Online Search for jhong. Select some layers.

21 On Your Own Create a map from found data.
Modify the map—select layers. Add Map Notes. Extras? Bookmarks. Change Style.

22 Applies to Attributes Counts and Amounts (Color)
Counts and Amounts (Size) Classification—how values are divided—see the difference Percent or raw number—see the difference Unique symbols—categories, words, ranks

23 Word Press site

24 Questions

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