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An Introduction to Latent Variable Modeling

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1 An Introduction to Latent Variable Modeling
Karen Bandeen-Roche Qian-Li Xue Johns Hopkins Departments of Biostatistics and Medicine October 27, 2016


3 Objectives What is a latent variable (LV)?
What are some common LV models? What are major features of LV modeling? Hierarchical: structural and measurement components Fitting Evaluating fit Predictions Identifiability Why should I consider using—or decide against using—LV models?

4 Part I: Overview

5 “LATENT”? Present or potential but not evident or active: latent talent. Pathology. In dormant or hidden stage: a latent infection. Biology. Undeveloped, but capable of normal growth under the proper conditions: a latent bud. Psychology. Present and accessible in the unconscious mind, but not consciously expressed. The American Heritage Dictionary of English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000 “existing in hidden or dormant form but usually capable of being brought to light” Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, 1996

6 “LATENT” “…concepts in their purest form… unobserved or unmeasured … hypothetical” Bollen KA, Structural Equations with Latent Variables, p. 11, 1989 “…in principle or practice, cannot be observed” Bartholomew DJ, The Statistical Approach to Social Measurement, p. 12 “Underlying: not directly measurable. Existing in hidden form but usually capable of being measured indirectly by observables.” Bandeen-Roche K, Synthesis, 2006

7 “LATENT VARIABLES”? Ordinary linear regression model:
Yi = outcome (measured) Xi = covariate vector (measured) εi = residual (unobserved) Yi = XiT β+ εi

8 Ordinary Linear Regression Residual as Latent Variable
Yi = XiT β+ εi . Y . ε . X Y ε . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . Boxes denote observables Ovals denote “unobserved” Straight arrows are causal Curved arrows denote association X

9 Mixed effect / Multi-level models Random effects as Latent Variables
. . . β0 + β1 . . . . . vital . . . β2 + β3 . . . . . . β0 . . . . . . non-vital . . β2 . . . time

10 Mixed effect / Multi-level models Random effects as Latent Variables
b0i = random intercept b2i = random slope (could define more) Population heterogeneity captured by spread in intercepts, slopes + b0i slope: - |b2i| . . . β0 + β1 . . . . . vital . . . β2 + β3 . . . . . . β0 . . . . . . non-vital . . β2 . . . time

11 Mixed effect / Multi-level models Random effects as Latent Variables
+ b0i slope: - |b2i| . . . β0 + β1 . . . . . vital . . . β2 + β3 X Y ε . . . 1 . . . β0 . . . . b . t 1 . non-vital . . β2 . . . time

12 Latent variable model ε1 δ1 X1 Y1 Inflammation Mobility ξ η ζ1 Xp YM
Mobility ξ η ζ1 1 Increasingly learning what I just showed you seems to be oversimplified in a number of ways. Work I’m reporting on today primarily addresses one of the added complexities, that is, indirect measurement (box), such that boxes in the previous slide should really have been circles. Particularly, we don’t have a clean direct measurement of “inflammation”—rather, we measure a bunch of individual cytokines (X here), each with appreciable assay error, must infer “inflammation” from those. A second challenge for analysis exists whether or not there’s a complex measurement problem (box), and that is, how to isolate the effect of inflammation on mobility functioning from the influences of potentially confounding variables in an observational study. (1 min) Xp YM 1 1 δp εM


14 Latent Variables: What? Integrands in a hierarchical model
Observed variables (i=1,…,n): Yi=M-variate; xi=P-variate Focus: response (Y) distribution = GYx(y/x) ; x-dependence Model: Yi generated from latent (underlying) Ui: (Measurement) Focus on distribution, regression re Ui: (Structural) Overall, hierarchical model:

15 Latent variable model ε1 δ1 X1 Y1 Inflammation Mobility ξ η ζ1 Xp YM
Mobility ξ η ζ1 Increasingly learning what I just showed you seems to be oversimplified in a number of ways. Work I’m reporting on today primarily addresses one of the added complexities, that is, indirect measurement (box), such that boxes in the previous slide should really have been circles. Particularly, we don’t have a clean direct measurement of “inflammation”—rather, we measure a bunch of individual cytokines (X here), each with appreciable assay error, must infer “inflammation” from those. A second challenge for analysis exists whether or not there’s a complex measurement problem (box), and that is, how to isolate the effect of inflammation on mobility functioning from the influences of potentially confounding variables in an observational study. (1 min) Xp YM δp εM Structural Measurement Measurement

16 Well-used latent variable models
Latent variable scale Observed variable scale Continuous Discrete Factor analysis LISREL Discrete FA IRT (item response) Latent profile Growth mixture Latent class analysis, regression General software: MPlus, Latent Gold, WinBugs (Bayesian), NLMIXED (SAS) gllamm (Stata)

17 Why do people use latent variable models?
The complexity of my problem demands it NIH wants me to be sophisticated Reveal underlying truth (e.g. “discover” latent types) Operationalize and test theory Sensitivity analyses Acknowledge, study issues with measurement; correct attenuation; etc.

18 Latent Variable Models: Philosophy
Why? To operationalize / test theory To learn about measurement errors, differential reporting They summarize multiple measures parsimoniously To describe population heterogeneity Popperian learning Why not? Their modeling assumptions may determine scientific conclusions Their interpretation may be ambiguous Nature of latent variables? Uniqueness (identifiability) What if very different models fit comparably? (estimability) Seeing is believing Import: They are widely used

19 latent variable modeling
Part II: Major elements of latent variable modeling

20 1. Model choice

21 Example Pro-inflammation in Older Adults
Inflammation: central in cellular repair Hypothesis: dysregulation=key in accel. aging Muscle wasting (Ferrucci et al., JAGS 50: ; Cappola et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88: ) Receptor inhibition: erythropoetin production / anemia (Ershler, JAGS 51:S18-21) up-regulation Cellular repair: pathophysiological role in diseases Stimulus (e.g. muscle damage) IL-1# TNF-α IL-6 CRP inhibition # Difficult to measure. IL-1RA = proxy

22 Example Pro-inflammation in Older Adults
Measurement Theory informs relations (arrows) e1 ς Y1 λ1 Inflam. regulation Adverse outcomes ep First (rightmost) box: clinical issue: frailty identifies those at risk for adverse outcomes First of the left side boxes: refined measurement of frailty Second of the left most boxes: actual measures. Yp λp Determinants Structural

23 Pro-inflammation in Older Adults InCHIANTI data (Ferrucci et al
Pro-inflammation in Older Adults InCHIANTI data (Ferrucci et al., JAGS, 48: ) LV method: factor analysis model Continuous indicators, latent variables Two distinct underlying variables Down-regulation IL-1RA path=0 (Conditional independence) IL-6 Two dimensions—match the theory. IL-1RA Inflammation 1 Up-reg. Inflammation 2 Down-reg. CRP IL-18 TNFα

24 “LATENT VARIABLES”? Linear structural equations model with latent variables (LISREL): Yij = outcome (jth measurement per “person” i) xij = covariate vector (corresponds to jth measurement, person i) λyj = outcome “loading” (relates outcome LV to Y measurement) ηi = latent outcome=random coefficient vector, person i λxj= covariate "loading" (relates covariate LV to jth x measurement) ξi = latent covariate = random coefficient vector, person i εij = observed response residual δij = observed covariate residual ςi = latent response residual vector (specified distribution) Yij = λyjTηi + εij Xij = λjXTξi + δij ηi = Bηi + Γξi + ςi

25 Latent variable models Factor Analysis Measurement Model
X=Λxξ+δ Φ=Var(ξ); Θδ=Var(δ)

26 Latent variable models Factor Analysis Measurement Model
X=Λxξ+δ Φ=Var(ξ); Θδ=Var(δ) Assumptions Most frequently: (ξ, δ) ~ multivariate normal ξ δ Constraints on ϕ, Θδ (“theory”) Ex: Θδ diagonal – indicators uncorrelated given LVs i.e. factor model; conditional independence π

27 2. Fitting

28 Estimation Overview Bayesian approaches (MCMC) Gradient methods
Most common: Likelihood-based approaches Primary challenge: the integral Approximation (Laplace) Numerical integration Stochastic integration Gradient methods E-M algorithm Bayesian approaches (MCMC) Least squares or analogs

29 ML Estimation Factor model
Likelihood has closed form (MVN)

30 Pro-inflammation in Older Adults (Bandeen-Roche et al., Rejuv Res)
LV method: factor analysis model .36 -.59 IL-6 . 59 IL-1RA -.40 . 45 Inflammation 1 Up-reg. Inflammation 2 Down-reg. CRP . 31 IL-18 .20 . 31 Two dimensions—match the theory. TNFα

31 3. Evaluating fit

32 Methods Global measures
Goodness of fit testing Hypothesis: H0: GY|X(y|x) = FY|X(y|x;π,β) for some (π,β) ε Θ Method: Deviance goodness of fit testing, analogs Usual issues for quality of asymptotic distribution approximation Inflammatory analysis: Deviance goodness of fit pvalue > 0.5 Global fit indices: “Hundreds” of them Write the hypothesis in above

33 Methods Residual checking
Per-item: Observed – expected Residuals with respect to association structure Continuous Y: Covariance or correlation matrix residuals S- Categorical Y: Odds ratio matrix residuals: Q- Implied, Q has elements [ad/bc]ij from cross-tabulation of items i & j O-E cell counts for the full cross-tabulation of items (I1xI2x…xIM cells, where Ij denotes the number of categories for item j) All cases: normalized residuals most useful Write the hypothesis in above

34 Example Residual checking
NFΚB-gated systemic inflammation Write the hypothesis in above

35 Gelman et al., Statistica Sinica, 1996
Methods Other Posterior predictive checking Gelman et al., Statistica Sinica, 1996 Pseudo-value analysis: More to come Write the hypothesis in above

36 4. Prediction

37 Latent variable scoring Overview
Task: Estimate persons’ underlying status “fill in” values for the Ui Fundamental tool: Posterior distribution

38 Latent variable scoring Posterior mean estimation
Posterior mean = most common method Typically: Empirical Bayes (filling in estimates for parameters) Minimizes expected posterior quadratic loss Linear case (LISREL): Yields Best Unbiased Linear Predictor (BLUP)

39 Latent variable scoring LISREL (factor) measurement model
Posterior mean is closed form linear , “Regression method” Σ= Var(X)

40 Latent variable scoring LISREL (factor) measurement model
Alternative method: “Bartlett” scores Paradigm: treat ξi as fixed parameters per i; estimate these via weighted least squares δi ~ N(0, ) Which is better? Depends on analytic purpose

41 Latent variable scoring Frequent purpose: “multi-stage” regression
Step 1: Fit full latent variable measurement model(s) (Y,X) , Step 2: Obtain predictions Oi given Yi, and/or Xi, Step 3: Obtain via regression of Oi on Xi or Yi on Oi, as case may be

42 Latent variable scoring Frequent purpose: “multi-stage” regression
Result: In the fully linear model, provided that estimators in Step 1 are consistent: (a) When the covariate is being predicted, employing the regression method in Steps 2-3 consistently estimates B (b) When the outcome is being predicted, employing the least squares method in Steps 2-3 consistently estimates B Brief rationale for (a): method is analogous to regression calibration with replicates Carroll & Stefanski, JASA, 1990

43 5. Identifiability

44 One last issue Identifiability
Models can be too big / complex A model is non-identifiable if distinct parameterizations lead to identical data distributions i.e. analysis not grounded in data Weak identifiability is common too: Analysis only indirectly grounded in data (via the model)

45 Identifiability strong model analysis data (ground)

46 Identifiability weak model analysis data (ground)

47 Identifiability non model analysis data (ground)

48 Objectives What is a latent variable (LV)?
What are some common LV models? What are major features of LV modeling? Hierarchical: structural and measurement components Fitting Evaluating fit Predictions Identifiability Why should I consider using—or decide against using—LV models?

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