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What was life like during ?

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Presentation on theme: "What was life like during ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was life like during ?

2 1920’s Culture The flapper Short hair for women Hats for men and women
Dancing Silent movies “The Jazz Age was wicked and monstrous and silly. Unfortunately, I had a good time.” Heywood Broun

3 What was life like in the 1930’s?

4 What was the Great Depression?
The worst economic crisis of the century Over 13 million people unemployed “Dust bowl” as a result of drought Farmers lost crops Many lost their homes

5 What caused the Great Depression?
Unequal distribution of wealth Stock market crash of 1929

6 Unequal Distribution of Wealth
No middle class Supply not equal to demand Credit cards created false demand

7 Stock Market Crash Many stocks purchased Stock prices fell
Huge sums of money lost Thursday, October 24, 1929

8 The Results Bank Failure

9 Unemployment

10 Loss of homes “Hoovervilles” Here were all these people living in old
rusted-out car bodies. ... One family ... [was] living in a piano box. This wasn't just a little section, this was maybe 10 miles wide and 10 miles long. People living in whatever they could junk together. ..."

11 Dustbowls A traveler noticed a nice new hat by the side of the road, and he stopped to pick it up. Under the hat was a man, buried up to his neck in the dust! As he dug the poor fellow out, the traveler asked if he wanted a ride into town. "No, I'll get there myself," the man replied, "I'm on a horse." (Excerpt from THE DUST BOWL by Tricia Andryszewski, p. 33.)

12 Depression

13 So What?

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