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is vital for the life of our planet

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1 is vital for the life of our planet
Water is vital for the life of our planet

2 WATER USES Abruzzo, our region, uses about 60 thousand million m3 of water per year. The main sectors of water consumption are agriculture, industry, households and artificial reserves.


4 Gran Sasso is the highest pick of the Appennines.
It is the mountain where all our potable water comes from.

5 In 1968 under the mountain the construction of a tunnel began
In 1968 under the mountain the construction of a tunnel began . The objective was to cross the mountain without turning around it. Works ended in 1993.

6 Today, the tunnel consists of two tubes located in the highway A24 that links Rome to the Adriatic Sea and to Roseto degli Abruzzi.

7 Reduction of the scope of the sources
The construction of the tunnel had terrible consequences on the water sources under the Gran Sasso, which were irremediably damaged and reduced as you can see in the table to the side. Reduction of the scope of the sources Sources Scope Valle Fredda -95% Ruzzo -70% Sopra Casale S. Nicola Rio Arno -40% Chiarino Mortaio d'Angri Vitello d'Oro Tempera -25% Vetoio Tirino -10% Pescara

8 On 15 September 1970, during the execution of the excavation works, an accident occurred.
11 workers were swept away by the water coming out from the holed reservoir. Our students have told the event through a play.


10 Our own Agenda 21 Preserve and protect water sources
Reduce the unproper uses of potable water Promote the awarness of the importance of saving water to avoid a thirsty future Water is for everyone!


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