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What is SARS? S A R evere cute espiratory yndrome.

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Presentation on theme: "What is SARS? S A R evere cute espiratory yndrome."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is SARS? S A R evere cute espiratory yndrome

2 Who is the murderer? coronavirus

3 Symptom 1 Fever > 380C > > 100.40F >
380C X 9 / =100.40F

4 Symptom 2 Chills I’ve caught a chill.

5 Symptom 3 Cough I have a bad cough.

6 Symptom 4 Headache I have a headache.

7 I have trouble breathing.
Symptom 5 Trouble breathing I have trouble breathing.

8 Symptom 6 Aching body I have an aching body.

9 Preventive measure 1 Wash hands frequently

10 WHAT do you wash your hands with?
Ways to wash your hands WHAT do you wash your hands with? liquid soap water

11 Ways to wash your hands How long do you rub your hands in the soapy water?
15 seconds

12 When do you wash your hands?
After sneezing After coughing

13 When do you wash your hands?
Before touching your eyes, nose or mouth Before putting on a face mask and after taking it off

14 When do you wash your hands?
After going to the toilet After touching public installations

15 Preventive measure 2 Wear a face mask

16 STEP 1 First, wash your hands.
tie the strings / rubber bands round your ears / head. put the mask over your face wash your hands fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose.

17 STEP 2 Then, fit the mask over your face.
tie the strings / rubber bands round your ears / head. put the mask over your face wash your hands fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose.

18 STEP 3 tie the strings / rubber bands round your ears / head. Next,
put the mask over your face wash your hands fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose.

19 STEP 4 fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose. Finally,
tie the strings / rubber bands round your ears / head. put the mask over your face wash your hands metallic strip fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose.

20 Steps to wear a face mask
First, wash your hands Then, fit the mask over your face Next, tie the strings / rubber bands round your ears / head. Finally, fix the metallic strip over the bridge of your nose.

21 Preventive measure 3 Disinfect the households

22 What do you clean the household with?

23 How do you make 1:99 bleach solution?
mix 1 part household bleach 99 parts water Mix 1 part household bleach with 99 parts water

24 Which one is stronger? 1 : 99 1 : 49 >

25 How often do you clean your house ?
seldom sometimes often never I ___________ clean my house.

26 How often do you clean your house ?
once a day twice a week three times a month four times a year I clean my house ___________.

27 Preventive measure 4 Balanced diet
Less ? More ? milk, cheese, yogurt meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts fruit vegetable bread, cereal rice, pasta

28 Preventive measure 5 Enough rest

29 Preventive measure 6 Enough exercise

30 Preventive measure 7 No smoking or spitting

31 Preventive measure 8 No sharing of eating utensils

32 Preventive measure 9 Anti-SARS kit
face mask paper bag tissue Cleaning wipe bleach

33 Anti-SARS kit gloves thermometer handwash alcohol goggles

34 Care for others who should we thank?
doctor cleaner nurse

35 who should we thank? teacher janitor

36 who should we thank? Mum Dad domestic helper

37 What is SARS? S A R acrifice cceptance econciliation upport

38 or Sacrifice Acceptance Reflection Support

39 or Some exercise Always smile Relax yourself Sleep well

40 or SARS won’t Stay No moreAche Take a Rest No more Stress

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