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Launching… YOU! Takeoff to Success

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Presentation on theme: "Launching… YOU! Takeoff to Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Launching… YOU! Takeoff to Success
w Welcome Class of 2020!

Team Apollo: Ms. Prabhakar Team Mercury:Ms. Smith/Mr. Chappell Team Gemini: Mr. Chappell Team Orion: Mrs. Burkhardt/Ms. Prabhakar

3 How to… Rock Your Freshman Year

4 CLEAN SLATE Middle School is so last year!
You have a FRESH START to complete your goals Build on the good habits you developed Start creating new positive habits: Motivate! Do it! Take advantage of study halls Learn new study skills

5 GOALS What do you want to achieve? Grades, Sports, Clubs, Friends
Write it down Make it happen! Revisit it often

Are you thinking about college? Then… Do your best work Create a STRONG GPA Join Clubs, Sports, Organizations Be a good citizen BTW… what’s a Resume?

7 You are now ALL Pinkerton Students so…
Make new friends Sit with someone you don’t know at lunch NO tolerance for bullying or harassment. If you hear someone saying something hurtful, stop them. Includes social media! Be kind and respectful, always Be the friend you want to have

8 TIPS AND TRICKS An Aspen a Day!
Self Advocacy: What does that mean and how do you do it How to get extra help Communicating with your teachers Meeting with teachers before or after school Math Center Talk to your parents

9 HOMEWORK is cool! (OK, maybe not cool, but it’s really not torture!)
Study skills Develop a good routine – 2 hours a night Homework really is important Big part of your grade Reinforces lessons Use your study hall Study for tests and quizzes

10 PINKERTON ONLINE! Aspen – Your Key to Everything!
Website Has Lots of Info For You Other Stuff You Need to Explore: Freshman Academy Page School Counselor Page Athletics Clubs Have Fun Exploring!

Where we are: First floor of the Academy Building What we do: Academic, Social, Personal, Career/College Confidentiality Ways to let us know you need an appointment Come in to make appointment

12 GOOD LUCK, CLASS of 2020! Questions?

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