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Churchill’s Decision to Continue Fight

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1 Churchill’s Decision to Continue Fight
Britain’s situation after Dunkirk and French capitulation. Churchill’s confession: Britain has only 492 tanks and machine guns. Most of them are more than 20 years old. Hitler’s wish to sign peace agreement with Great Britain. Churchill’s decision to continue fight.

2 Lend-Lease The USA and the beginning of World War II.
Roosevelt’s decision to help Great Britain. Battleship-Bases (Destroyers/Island) agreement. Hitler’s reaction.

3 Battle for Britain Begins
Operation Sea-Lion. First phase of the air battle – the Channel battle – July to yearly August. Operation “Eagle” – August Bombing of airfields and Battle of London. The “Blitz” – September 30-November 15. British victory in air.

4 Failure of Invasion Plans
The “Enigma Code”. Alan Turing (Tjuring). Coventry. Hitler postpones Sea-Lion for Spring 1941. Situation during winter. Hitler’s decision to cancel invasion into Britain. Continuation of Bombing.

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