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#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Answers!

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Presentation on theme: "#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Answers!"— Presentation transcript:



3 #1

4 #2

5 #3

6 #4

7 #5

8 #6

9 #7

10 #8

11 #9

12 #10

13 Answers!

14 #1

15 #2

16 #3

17 #4

18 #5

19 #6

20 #7

21 #8

22 #9

23 #10


25 What is this character’s name?
#1 What is this character’s name?

26 #2 Name the 3 Starter Pokémon that Trainers can choose from when they begin.

27 Which of the following is true:
#3 Which of the following is true: Team Rocket once forced their Pokémon to learn how to sing as a money making scheme Team Rocket once set up a beauty salon and gave Pokémon makeovers Team Rocket’s favourite mode of transportation is teleportation

28 What is this character’s name?
#4 What is this character’s name?

29 Fill in the blanks from the Pokémon Theme Song:
#5 Fill in the blanks from the Pokémon Theme Song: I wanna be the very ___________ Like no one ever was To catch them is my real __________ To train them is my ____________

30 What is this character’s name?
#6 What is this character’s name?

31 #7 Which Pokémon simulates the look of a Pokeball, but can self destruct if necessary?

32 Name 3 types of Pokeballs, besides the original
#8 Name 3 types of Pokeballs, besides the original

33 There are 18 types of Pokemon. Name 3 types.
#9 There are 18 types of Pokemon. Name 3 types.

34 Name the 3 Teams from Pokemon GO
#10 Name the 3 Teams from Pokemon GO

35 Answers!

36 What is this character’s name?
#1 What is this character’s name? Ash Ketchum

37 #2 Name the 3 Starter Pokémon that Trainers can choose from when they begin. Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle

38 Which of the following is true:
#3 b) Team Rocket once set up a beauty salon and gave Pokémon makeovers Which of the following is true: Team Rocket once forced their Pokémon to learn how to sing as a money making scheme Team Rocket once set up a beauty salon and gave Pokémon makeovers Team Rocket’s favourite mode of transportation is teleportation

39 What is this character’s name?
#4 What is this character’s name? Jessie

40 Fill in the blanks from the Pokémon Theme Song:
#5 Fill in the blanks from the Pokémon Theme Song: I wanna be the very _______ Like no one ever was To catch them is my real _____ To train them is my _______ best test cause

41 What is this character’s name?
#6 What is this character’s name? Misty

42 #7 Which Pokémon simulates the look of a Pokeball, but can self destruct if necessary? Voltorb

43 Name 3 types of Pokeballs, besides the original
#8 Cherish Ball Moon Ball Dive Ball Nest Ball Dusk Ball Net Ball Fast Ball Park Ball Friend Ball Poké Ball Great Ball Premier Ball Heal Ball Quick Ball Heavy Ball Repeat Ball Level Ball Safari Ball Love Ball Sport Ball Lure Ball Timer Ball Luxury Ball Ultra Ball Master Ball Name 3 types of Pokeballs, besides the original

44 There are 18 types of Pokemon. Name 3 types.
#9 There are 18 types of Pokemon. Name 3 types.

45 Name the 3 Teams from Pokemon GO
#10 Name the 3 Teams from Pokemon GO

46 **All answers are for Generation 1 Pokemon only**

47 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon
#1 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon

48 What is Dratini’s final form?
#2 What is Dratini’s final form?

49 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon
#3 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon

50 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#4 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon

51 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#5 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon

52 What does a Drowzee evolve into?
#6 What does a Drowzee evolve into?

53 What does a Diglett evolve into?
#7 What does a Diglett evolve into?

54 Name the 3 Eevee evolutions
#8 Name the 3 Eevee evolutions

55 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#9 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon

56 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#10 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon

57 Name 3 Pokémon that DON’T evolve
#11 Name 3 Pokémon that DON’T evolve

58 Answers!

59 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon
#1 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon Charmander Charmeleon Charizard

60 What is Dratini’s final form?
#2 What is Dratini’s final form? Dragonite

61 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon
#3 Name the 3 forms of this Pokémon Oddish Gloom Vileplume

62 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#4 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon Grimer Muk

63 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#5 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon Doduo Dodrio

64 What does a Drowzee evolve into?
#6 What does a Drowzee evolve into? Hypno

65 What does a Diglett evolve into?
#7 What does a Diglett evolve into? Dugtrio

66 Name the 3 Eevee evolutions
#8 Name the 3 Eevee evolutions Vaporeon Flareon Jolteon

67 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#9 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon Voltorb Electrode

68 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon
#10 Name the 2 forms of this Pokémon Psyduck Golduck

69 Name 3 Pokémon that DON’T evolve
#11 Name 3 Pokémon that DON’T evolve Aerodactyl Kangaskhan Scyther Articuno Lapras Snorlax Chansey Lickitung Tangela Ditto Magmar Tauros Electrabuzz Mew Zapdos Farfetch'd Mewtwo Jynx Moltres Mr. Mime Onix Pinsir

70 And the winner is…

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