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Google Classroom Design Plan

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1 Google Classroom Design Plan
Javier Aguilar 10/22/2016 EDTC 6332 – Educational Technology Practicum

2 Needs Assessment The instructional/training problem or opportunity
East Fort Worth Montessori Academy (EFWMA), an elementary charter school is a small school district that serves a student population considered at-risk and/or low income. Teachers are burned out when needing to provide early intervention to students for STAAR testing or other benchmark testing. This creates a stressful situation for educators and students alike. For teachers having to prepare extra lessons, making copies and conferencing with parents or guardians to discuss details about student’s grades is a daily task for our instructors.

3 Needs Assessment cont. The analysis of the gap between what is available and what should be available EFWMA is currently working with Google Apps for Education; however, not all GAFE applications are used by our faculty and staff due to their lack of professional development in managing these tools available for our campus. Taking advantage of the GAFE applications as an instructional technologist, I have observed the positive advantages to incorporating these applications into our curriculum. After presenting this proposal to our school administration, they gave me the green light and supported the initial creation of an online learning training that will assist our faculty and staff.

4 Needs Assessment cont. The recommended solution for filling the gap
Prioritizing the design and development of an online training for faculty and staff to learn the basic management of Google Classroom is the solution for teachers to incorporate more digital applications and processes into their daily activities which will in turn reduce or eliminate manual processes. Google Classroom is a web-based tool that allows educators to enhance classes and lessons making them more engaging while providing immediate feedback to their students. Additionally, the features to create lessons, grade automatically, and decrease or eliminate the need to make paper copies should entice teachers to use this application.

5 Instructional Goal: After completing this training, 2nd and 3rd grade teachers will be able to identify how to efficiently employ Google Classroom in their curriculum. Additionally, teachers will identify the benefits of the features of Google Classroom such as: elaborate assignments with due dates, create announcements and provide immediate feedback to students.

6 Performance Objectives:
After completing the training, the learners will be able to : Setup a Google Classroom class to utilize and be prepared to use in their class without assistance from the instructor. Create and distribute all of the student rosters with the use of the unique key so that students will have access to Google Classroom lessons from the teachers. Identify, develop and provide access to the Google Classroom assignments with the due dates for the students. Utilize Google classroom to provide immediate feedback to students before they submit their assignments.

7 Assessment of Learning Outcomes:
Performance Objective Assessment 1.- Setup a Google Classroom class to utilize and be prepared to use in their class without assistance from the instructor. For this lesson the learner will need to answer the following question(s) 1.- How do you sign up on Google Classroom? Using your personal account You do not need account You must use your Gmail school account All of the above 2.- When signing up for the 1st time to the Google Classroom system, you will be prompted the following message: Welcome to Google Classroom Are you a teacher or a student No message is prompted Join Class

8 Assessment of Learning Outcomes:
Performance Objective Assessment 2.- Create and distribute all of the student rosters with the use of the unique key so that students will have access to Google Classroom lessons from the teachers. For this lesson, the learner will need to answer the following question(s) 1.- To add students you will need to: Have a class already created in Google Classroom Google creates it automatically To ask the front office to create a roster for you All of the above 2.- Are students able to participate in different classes using Google Classroom? Yes No it is not possible Requires permission from parents Only if the principal has given approval

9 Assessment of Learning Outcomes:
Performance Objective Assessment 3.- Identify, develop and provide access to the Google Classroom assignments with the due dates for the students. For this lesson, the learner will need to answer the following question(s) 1.- Where can you find the option to create assignments? In Google Drive In the plus (+) sign The option is located at the top of the stream in the Classroom – click on “Assignment” Using the paper clip icon 2.- What is the option for a student to submit their assignment? ADD option TURN IN option CREATE option Join Class option

10 Assessment of Learning Outcomes:
Performance Objective Assessment 4.- Utilize Google classroom to provide immediate feedback to students before they submit their assignments. For this lesson, the learner will need to answer the following question(s) 1.- Teachers use this option to provide feedback to students Comment Select a paragraph from the document they want to comment on After the comment you use the RETURN option All of the above 2.- What are some of the benefits to provide feedback to students? Increases students motivation More instructions before submitting their assignment Increases students ability to cheat Teacher shifts from evaluator to a coach

11 Learner Characteristics:
Who is the intended audience for this training module? Target audience for this online learning is composed of : a total of eight 2nd and 3rd grade educators to be trained utilizing Google Classroom. The demographics are: Age ranges between (28-52 years) All female teachers Seven from this group have 5-13 years of teaching experience, and one new teacher. What skills do they have or need in order to successfully complete the training? Basic knowledge in computer technology and navigation of the internet and related software. Teachers in these grade levels have proficiency in reading, writing, and computer skills. Ability to develop, and integrate lesson plans for students. What additional information do I need to know about the intended audience in order to develop the best training possible for this group? In my experience, I have become aware that 2nd and 3rd grade teachers get “burned out” when they have early interventions with their students that are failing their classes. As a technology teacher on this campus, I would like to assist these teachers by creating training for Google classroom to assist them to incorporate this technology into their curriculum and decrease their workload. I plan to present the benefits of Google classrooms as a paperless environment, organization and backup of files, decrease rework and creation of curriculum documentation, and a system to learn how to get immediate feedback from students.

12 Learning Context: Instructional setting
All required materials, readings, and texts will be included in this E-Learning training course. If you have never worked with the Google Classroom application before, learners will be required to read the supplemental readings about Google Classroom for educators. Click on the hyperlink below to review basic tasks and information that will assist them in learning how to use Google Classroom. Our school computer lab has a total of 23 desktop computers connected to the internet that are available for teachers during their planning period to come and take this online e-learning course. Additionally, our target audience have their own laptops provided by the school available for this online course.

13 Training Module Outline:
Assignments: Task work for this course includes: lesson overviews, multimedia (video lessons), assignments, and assessments for each lesson. Each quiz is going to consist of multiple choice questions. Grading: Graded work for this course includes: a lesson quizzes, and assignments and assessments for each lesson. Quizzes address the main topics over each lesson. Quizzes are available online and can be taken twice to increase total points. The project assignments are the final part of each lesson and have greater weighted points. Grades for this course will be evaluated base on the rubrics listed below. Total points: 100. Grade Work type Points Possible Quizzes 40 Assignments Assessment 20 Total Possible Points 100

14 Training Module Outline:
Grading Point Distribution: A =90% ~ 100% B =80% ~ 89% C =70% ~ 79% F =Below 70%

15 Training Module Outline:
Lesson Topic Sub-Topics Introduction Introduction to Google Classroom Overview of GAFE applications Overview of Google for Classroom Features of a Google Classroom Lesson 1: Create a Google Classroom Able to identify the teacher or student view Create your first class Join your first class Create class announcements Modify class homepage theme(background design or personalized it)

16 Training Module Outline:
Lesson Topic Sub-Topics Lesson 2: Adding students to class Stream feature (find class code, assignments, work due dates, etc.) Create student drive folders automatically Archive classes for future use (restored) Delete classes

17 Training Module Outline:
Lesson Topic Sub-Topics Lesson 3: Create an assignment with due date(s) Create questions (short answer or Multiple choice options only) Create drive folders for assignments automatically Set due dates or remove due dates Create a URL for the assignments Create assignments and share a single document/form or automatically make a copy for each student. Create a template for a paperless environment

18 Training Module Outline:
Lesson Topic Sub-Topics Lesson 4 Provide feedback to students before submitting their work Invite students Set up students permissions (ACTIONS – Remove, , and Mute) Supervising and accessing all student assignments to review who has or has not completed the work Provide direct, real –time personal feedback (teacher-student) Students can easily see due dates in assignments

19 Instructional Resources:
Computer/Technical Requirements: For this training, educators MUST use their Google campus account i.e. Google Chrome is the browser recommended for this e-learning module to work in the same environment of Google for Education. An internet connection must be present at all times to save, and edit their Google Classroom lessons, classes, due dates, announcements and other features that teachers will be learning. Sign up at for an educator account (use this application for team work to answer quizzes). Our school computer lab has a total of 23 desktop computers connected to the internet that are available for teachers during their planning period to come and take this online e-learning course. Additionally, our target audience have their own laptops provided by the school available for this online course. A promethean board is available for learners of this course in the computer lab for use in case a question arises and need to demonstrate how to work a problem for the learner(s).

20 Training Module Blueprint:
Google Classroom e-Learning Module Syllabus/Outline Final Assessment Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Multimedia Multimedia Multimedia Multimedia Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment

21 Formative Evaluation:
Peer- Evaluation - An online survey utilizing the Google Forms will be conducted as a formative evaluation, the formative evaluation includes these questions: Module objectives were clearly understood? The modules were well organized? Multimedia lessons were clearly understood? This e-learning training was relevant for my needs in my class? This e-learning included clear objectives? Are the assessment questions easy to understand and cover the topics presented? Does the size of the lesson look appropriate? Please provide your input about what you like or dislike about this e-learning training? Any additional comments? Small group evaluation – Participation from one administrator and one teacher from each grade level (2nd and 3rd grade) to test the e-learning training before the implementation will be beneficial for possible discrepancies that need to be addressed in a timely manner. Feedback provided from this small group as intended audience will be of great assistance to move forward with more confidence after the trial and error sessions. This evaluation will take place in the computer lab of our school.

22 Formative Evaluation cont.:
I am planning to carry out each of the evaluations previously proposed using an Assessment Rubric to measure the abilities of the learners to incorporate Google Classroom into their curriculum near the completion of this e-learning training. The results from this rubric will assist the instructional technologist to evaluate if the training was effective and no major corrections will be needed to future revisions of the training.

23 Summary This online training course, Incorporating Google Classroom at EFWMA during the design phase is complete and will continue with next phase of instruction. Providing the basic knowledge of the Google Classrooms to our target audience is how it will be incorporated into their 2nd and 3rd grade classroom. Learning the additional features from Google Classroom that will assist them to become more familiar with the advantages of this application. Overall, the goal of this online training course will assist our teachers to migrate from a paper-driven environment to a more digital environment that will provide a better organized and engaging curriculum for students from all age groups.

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