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Introduction to Library Research: CO 1003

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1 Introduction to Library Research: CO 1003
This is an introduction to some very basic ways to find books and articles on a speech topic. Our goal is to familiarize you with the different types of research materials available, show you how to obtain those materials, teach you some skills that are not only useful in these formats but others as well and finally to let you know where to seek out help if you should need it.

2 Overview Be aware of Library’s web page designed for CO 1003
Be acquainted with various resources for library research Understand basic search techniques Know who to ask for help Our objectives for this class are to get acquainted with some resources for your research, to understand basic search techniques and to know who to ask for help. So, let’s get started. First, let’s visit a Web site we’ve put together just for this class, Fundamentals of Public Speaking. The half sheet on your table has the Web address for this. Let’s open up a browser and type in this Web address: Point out: Academic Search Elite Lexis-Nexis Galaxy Print resources Leave them here at the main libraries site for just a moment.

3 Library’s web page for CO 1003

4 Choose research resources.
Step Two: Choose research resources. Step Three: Create search strategy. Step One: Write topic & list key terms. Option B: Bad or no results? Back to step 1. Step Four: Conduct search & evaluate results. Option A: Good results? You’re finished.

5 Rape on college campuses, sorority vs. non-sorority girls
Rape or sexual assault or sexual violence or date rape College or university Sorority or fraternity or Greek

6 Research Resources Printed resources: Undergraduate Research Center
Indexes and databases Full article vs. citation & abstract only Academic Search Elite Lexis Nexis Academic Universe MSU Galaxy Online Catalog

7 Search Strategy college sorority rape sexual assault university
fraternity date rape greek

8 Academic Search Elite Take terms from a group and do search.
Explain what to do if no full text link. Example: Rape and college or university = lots of results Rape and college or university and (sorority or fraternity or greek) = fewer results

9 Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe
Take terms from a group and do search. All full text. Mention Editorials as opposed to articles. If these don’t look like they address your topic, have to go back and refine search. This isn’t precise science; it’s an art of finding the right search terms in each database, Example: Rape and college or university and sorority or fraternity or greek Search in headline and lead paragraph, previous two years

10 Galaxy Online Catalog To find entire journals that contain articles and books, CDs, videos or other materials MSU Libraries own. Demonstrate w/ live session Why do we need Galaxy? One of several reasons, which include: We found a citation in a database but there was no full text. This means we need to look in Galaxy to find out if we subscribe to the journal. (Example: Search Sex Roles, title browse) We want to find books, cd’s, videos, or other materials that MSU owns about our topic. (Example: rape college, keyword) Say we wanted a book or other sorts of WHOLE materials about rape and college campuses. Or, we needed to find entire journals. We could then do some keyword searching in the Web version of Galaxy. If MSU doesn’t have a journal, book, or other materials, if you’ve planned ahead, you can use interlibrary loan.

11 Who to ask for help? Reference librarians! 2nd floor 325-7667

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