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Bell Ringer Do you think deforestation is an issue in the world today? Why or Why not? 4 minute Video will be shown during Bell work. Must be at least.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Do you think deforestation is an issue in the world today? Why or Why not? 4 minute Video will be shown during Bell work. Must be at least."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Do you think deforestation is an issue in the world today? Why or Why not? 4 minute Video will be shown during Bell work. Must be at least 6 sentences.

2 Roots of American Government

3 Code of Hammurabi Created 1760 in Babylon by Hammurabi
First written laws that would govern the state

4 Magna Carta(Great Charter)
1215 they forced King John to sign the Magna Carta Fair trial (Jury Trial) First time monarch power limited **King is under the law**

5 English Bill of Rights Parliament becomes more powerful than the monarch 1689 king could no longer limit free speech in Parliament

6 Common Law Made by judges in the process of resolving cases.
Came to America from English courts

7 Enlightenment reason was advocated as the primary source and legitimacy for authority.


9 John Locke Representative government is the best kind
Purpose is to protect natural rights Natural rights are rights that you are born with and no government can take away Life, liberty, and property


11 Montesquieu Separation of powers- dividing government power among legislative, executive, judicial branches

12 Separation of Powers Legislative- would make the laws
Executive- would enforce the laws Judges- interpret the meaning of the laws

13 Checks and Balances system would guard against tyranny because no government official or branch could gain to much power



16 Rousseau Social Contract Theory - state authority must be derived from the consent of the governed. Contract between the people and the government


18 Hobbes State of Nature is “war of every man against every man”
Humans consent to authoritarian state for peace and stability

19 Common Good Doing what is best for the society as a whole

20 Civic Virtue Dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community, even at cost of the individual

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