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Student Crime Stoppers

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1 Student Crime Stoppers
Do the right thing! 1

2 What is Crime Stoppers? Crime Stoppers is an effective world-wide crime-solving organization with the primary objective of combining the resources of the media, law enforcement and the general public to solve crime. A steadfast principal of Crime Stoppers is the ability to collect information or “tips” on crime and criminals from citizens. To get these people involved, and to overcome apathy and indifference, cash awards are offered for anonymous tips. To overcome people’s fear of retaliation, or fear of involvement, Crime Stoppers guarantees total anonymity. Media is used to notify the public of a crime and solicit their cooperation in reporting information on the crime. Law enforcement takes the information received from tipsters and investigates; hopefully with a successful conclusion. The distinctive feature of Crime Stoppers is that it is a community program, administered and overseen by dedicated volunteers. Crime Stoppers is not a police or government program. Simply put, Crime Stoppers is an extension of the community responding to crime. The mission of N.B. Crime Stoppers is, “to create a safer, more secure New Brunswick.”

3 Student Crime Stoppers
Your School is a Community When a student engages in a criminal act, it effects you and your school Keeping quiet is not the answer Student Crime Stoppers is a program that encourages students who have information about a crime or anyone engaged in a criminal act, to call, text, tap or type your information online, to NB Crime Stoppers The Student Crime Stoppers program is designed to bring students, the community, and law enforcement together to prevent crimes at school, and create a safe learning environment. Students have the right to learn and live their daily lives without having their property stolen, being harassed, threatened, or assaulted. The program offers students a tool to stand up against crime without reprisal, retaliation or peer pressure through a confidential and anonymous tips-line. The program is designed to make the institution a safer place to learn and reduce crime in the schools and local community. 3

4 Objective of Student Crime Stoppers
Your information to NB Crime Stoppers helps in maintaining a safe learning environment in your school and community. Student Crime Stoppers allows you to be a responsible citizen without giving your identity. You are completely anonymous and can provide your information without any fear of reprisal from anyone. - N.B. Crime Stoppers wants your help in maintaining the safe environment which exists within all high schools and colleges throughout New Brunswick. - By calling Crime Stoppers on such crimes as theft, vandalism, drugs, weapons, or assault, you can take an active role in keeping your school safe. 4

5 Do the right thing! If you have information about a crime committed in your school, consider helping the victim, don’t let a bully get away with victimizing your school, or your community. - Remember: Your information will be taken very seriously and in strict confidence. Your anonymity is guaranteed. You never have to give your name, or testify in court. If your tip leads to an arrest, you become eligible for a cash award, if desired. Please be assured, N.B. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display, or record any calls. 5

6 Your information may help prevent or solve:
Possession of a weapon such as a gun or knife Gang activity Animal abuse Bomb threat Fighting or planned fighting Vandalism/Graffiti Suicide threat Arson Child Abuse Damage or theft of property Sexual/Physical assault Location of stolen property Dating violence/Stalking Misuse of fire alarms Poaching / Wildlife offences Drug possession / trafficking Careless use of firearms Illegal possession of liquor Contraband tobacco 6

7 Student Crime Stoppers Posters
- Posted around schools. 7

8 How to Submit a Tip TALK: Call us toll-free at our confidential and anonymous tipsline at TIPS (8477) TYPE: Submit a tip via our secure online TEXT: Text keyword ‘TIP212 plus your information’ to CRIMES (274637) from your cellphone TAP: Download our free TipSubmit Mobile App on Apple iTunes™ or Google Play™ - Do you have information on a criminal activity that has occurred or is about to happen? Are you concerned about recognition or retaliation from others? If you wish to remain anonymous and do not wish to discuss this crime with law enforcement or school officials, there is an alternative that might result in you receiving a cash award of up to $2,000. 8

9 Student Crime Stoppers
Let’s work together to make our schools and community a safer place to Learn, Work and Live 9

10 Do the right thing “TYPE, TALK, TAP, TEXT”
Play video on Student Crime Stoppers page Visit for more information

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