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Developing Research Questions Based on Reading

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Research Questions Based on Reading"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Research Questions Based on Reading
Informational Text Developing Research Questions Based on Reading Feature Menu Informational Text Connecting to the Literature Introducing the Informational Text Vocabulary Informational Reading Focus Developing Research Questions Helpful Hints Assignment

2 Connecting to the Literature
In “The Most Dangerous Game,” General Zaroff has outwitted every animal he has hunted. So just how smart are animals? In the following article, Eugene Linden presents anecdotes—both amusing and heartwarming—that will make you think. Read on for glimpses into the often surprising thought processes of animals. [End of Section]

3 Introducing the Informational Text
“Can Animals Think?”

4 Introducing the Informational Text
“Can Animals Think?” Have you ever wondered whether animals are intelligent—if their behavior is purposeful or just a matter of training? To find out about some animals that seem to act with a clear purpose, read “Can Animals Think?” [End of Section]

5 Vocabulary Vocabulary Development balmy adj.: mild; pleasant.
intangible adj.: cannot be touched or held. awry adv.: in the wrong manner. devious adj.: sneaky; deceptive. beguile v.: charm; deceive.

6 Vocabulary Vocabulary Practice
Fill in the blanks with words from the Word Bank. balmy intangible awry devious beguile devious 1. When their _________ plan for sneaking into the show went _________, they had to pay for their tickets. 2. To me, the first _________ day in April means it’s the beginning of baseball season. 3. The puppies tried to _________ her into giving them treats. 4. The best gift Granddad gives us is _________: his complete attention. awry balmy beguile intangible [End of Section]

7 Developing Research Questions
All research begins with a question and a desire to know more about a particular topic. Can animals think? What animals are on the endangered species list? What are the rules and regulations for hunting game in the United States?

8 Developing Research Questions
To produce an interesting and informative report, ask good, productive questions stay focused on a topic that is limited in scope [End of Section]

9 Helpful Hints Use the following guidelines to help you develop research questions based on informational material. Use a KWL chart. Focus your research. Ask 5W-How? questions. Limit the scope of your questions.

10 Helpful Hints KWL Chart
Use a KWL chart as you begin your research. K W L

11 Helpful Hints KWL Chart
Use a KWL chart as you begin your research. K W L Orcas, also known as killer whales, are really giant dolphins. In the K column, write what you already Know about the topic.

12 Helpful Hints KWL Chart
Use a KWL chart as you begin your research. K W L Orcas, also known as killer whales, are really giant dolphins. Why do scientists believe that orcas are intelligent? In the W column, write what you Want to learn about the topic.

13 Helpful Hints KWL Chart
Use a KWL chart as you begin your research. K W L Orcas, also known as killer whales, are really giant dolphins. Why do scientists believe that orcas are intelligent? Orcas can assess a situation and problem solve. In the L column, write what you Learn from your research about the topic.

14 Helpful Hints Focus Stay focused on your subject matter. Don’t wander into areas that are not related to the specific topic you’re investigating. Look at the subsections of an informational article to narrow the scope of your research.

15 Helpful Hints 5W-How? Questions
Ask the 5W-How? questions rather than yes-or-no questions. Such questions will help you get more information about your subject. Who was involved? What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen?

16 Helpful Hints Scope Limit the scope of your research. Don’t ask questions about issues so far-reaching that you cannot present a complete answer. Too broad Can animals think? Which animals are considered to be the most intelligent? Manageable In what ways have orangutans and whales demonstrated intelligence?

17 Helpful Hints Scope Build your understanding of a subject from general, superficial knowledge to more specific, in- depth knowledge. General The practice for this selection cannot be included in this presentation because the copyright holder has denied permission and/or has electronic use conditions with which we cannot comply. To have students practice the reading skill taught in this presentation, use the selection in the Student Edition. Specific [End of Section]

18 Assignment As you read “Can Animals Think?” use the helpful hints to generate relevant research questions about animal intelligence. Helpful Hints for Generating Research Questions Use a KWL chart Focus Ask 5W-How? questions Limit the scope [End of Section]

19 The End

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