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Grab the sheet from the desk. Cut out each slip of the bottom part

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Presentation on theme: "Grab the sheet from the desk. Cut out each slip of the bottom part"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab the sheet from the desk. Cut out each slip of the bottom part
Grab the sheet from the desk. Cut out each slip of the bottom part. Save the top part for later. You will also need a sheet of paper, a pencil, and a glue stick.

2 The student will: Learn what photosynthesis is and how it helps plants. Learn what a plant needs for photosynthesis. Explain the significance of the processes of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration to the survival of green plants and other organisms.

3 One of the most general distinctions among organisms is between plants, which use sunlight to make their own food (photosynthesis) and animals, which consume energy-rich foods. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complementary processes. Plants carry on photosynthesis and cellular respiration where food is broken down into energy. The requirements of one process are the products of the other.

4 What is photosynthesis?
Plants make their own food. This process is called photosynthesis. Photo – “light” Synthesis – “putting together”

5 Where does photosynthesis occur?
Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of a plant.


7 What is needed for photosynthesis to occur?
Light is needed for photosynthesis to occur. The plant’s leaves use the light to make a sugar called glucose. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through holes called stomata

8 Why do plants need glucose?
Glucose is the food for the plant. It gives the plant energy to grow.

9 How much glucose does a plant make?
Plants make enough glucose to be used during the night and on cloudy days when they don’t get sunlight. The extra glucose is stored in the plant’s leaves and other parts.

10 How does photosynthesis help us?
During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced. We use this oxygen to breathe.

11 Why is photosynthesis important to us?
We cannot make our own food (glucose, energy) we must get our food from plants. Plants are the first step in the food chain. Animals get the energy stored in plants when they eat them.

12 http://earthguide. ucsd


14 http://studyjams. scholastic
Photosynthesis Song

15 Respiration When plants use the glucose and oxygen made during photosynthesis to make energy, carbon dioxide, and water for the plant, it is called respiration. Photosynthesis stores the energy and respiration releases that energy to leaves

16 What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?


18 Transpiration Transpiration is when plant leaves open their cells to take in carbon dioxide and lose water to evaporation Stomata & guard cells open Water Evaporates Carbon Dioxide enters the plant Transpiration is important because it moves the water throughout the plant

19 Opening the Stomata Plant opens the Stomata of the leaf to let water vapor out & Carbon Dioxide in The plant immediately wants to replace the water it lost through the stomata Transpiration makes the roots suck more water from the ground

20 Moving through the Plant
Transpiration bonds the water molecules together & the Xylem sucks the water up through the stem & all the way to the flower (working against gravity)

21 And the cycle continues……………
Transpiration Transpiration occurs when water is evaporated from the leaves through the stomata. Xylem draws more water up through the roots to replace the evaporated water And the cycle continues……………

22 Transpiration Leaves have an epidermis with a waxy cuticle and stomata that help prevent water loss. Guard cells that surround and control the size of the opening in stomata. The loss of water through the stomata is called transpiration. The opening and closing of guard cells regulate transpiration.

23 Transpiration Some leaves have more than a million stomata. In forests, trees need a large amount of water because about 98 percent of the water they take in is lost through the stomata.

24 The leaves of tropical and temperate plants have stomata that are open longer periods of time and have larger openings than those of desert plants. In the desert, plants can survive with less water because the stomata of the plants do not open as wide and remain closed most of the time. The time stomata remain open as well as the size of their openings are largely controlled by the availability of water and of sunlight.



27 What do you think would happen if we put a plastic bag over a leaf on a tree and left it over night?

28 How do they Relate Photosynthesis & Respiration use each other to continue their process In order to complete Photosynthesis the plant must have Carbon Dioxide which they can only get from animal respiration In order to complete Respiration the animal must have Oxygen which it gets from the plant when the plant goes through photosynthesis In order for Transpiration to occur the plant must take in carbon dioxide from respiration

29 Get out yesterdays other half and read the statements
Get out yesterdays other half and read the statements. Cut the strips out but do not glue it yet! Place the pieces where you think they go. See if there is anything you notice. Get the sheet from the front for later.

30 Transpiration Occurs in ALL living things Occurs in light or dark Occurs when water is evaporated from the leaves through the stomata

31 https://www. classzone

32 Review the rubric below. Be ready to ask any questions you may have.
4 3 2 1 Source of energy and where it takes place Presentation contains relevant material describing that sunlight is needed and it occurs in the chlorophyll in the chloroplast of plants. Missing one of these requirements or not enough description. Missing at least two of these requirements or hardly described. Missing 3 or more requirements or barely mentioned. Ingredients and Products The three reactants and two products are included correctly. Missing one component or used incorrectly. Missing two components or used more than 1 incorrectly Missing three or more components or mentioned incorrectly. Originality Project is very creative and stylistic. Project meets requirements, but is not very creative. Project lacks creativity, but displays a sincere effort. Simply list of steps without significant effort for creativity. Presentation Presentation is well rehearsed, appropriate, and energetic. Presentation is acceptable. Presentation has mistakes but some effort is made. Presentation is clearly thrown together at the last minute. Script Script contains all parts and is well organized. Script contains all parts and is organized. Script contains most parts and is organized Script contains very few parts and is not organized.

33 Today we will be completing the Photosynthesis plays.
Brainstorm what is left for your group to do. Are there any questions for me? Remember to check your play against the rubric!

34 Photosynthesis Play Groups
Audrey Malcolm Patrick Samantha C Kailyn Luc Logan Isaac Payton Clair Daphne Jenna Ashley B Maddison Taylor J Natalie Fin Kate Isabelle Kennedy Cannon Nathan Cameron G Owen Taylor T Nick Asa Maryssa Aiden Bara Cameron B Lan

35 Photosynthesis Play Groups
Delaney Grayson Ginger Colin Ewan Anna Trevor Megan Robbie Zack Taylor B Grant Amelia Lauren C Samantha K Blake Will Sophia Kyle Mitchell Lily Ryan Sarah Riley Bella Maya Heather Hannah G Sammy Lauren H Olivia

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