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AT EHBHS….. WE TAKE literacy and numeracy seriously

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1 AT EHBHS….. WE TAKE literacy and numeracy seriously

2 We recognise that a student’s ability to:
read, and understand what he reads; write clearly and effectively; and use numbers accurately and confidently will most of all determine his school results, career choices and life chances. In all subjects, teaching programs will emphasise these skills. As well, the school offers……..

3 The Accelerated Reader program in Year 7.
This is a program of silent reading, in the Library, for two periods per week. Students are first assessed for reading levels, then matched with library books that are right for them. At the end of a book, students complete a quick on-line assessment, to see how much they’ve understood. The program generates reports to show how each student’s reading levels are progressing. And students can borrow books, and continue their reading at home.

4 Writing program in Year 8.
In each Year 8 course, each Semester, one formal assessment task will require extended writing. Students will be prepared for these tasks through practice exercises before each task, so they are clear about what they are to do. Then, all writing is marked using the same marking scale across the school, and graded using the same standards. Students’ writing grades in each subject (A-E) are shown on their Semester reports.

5 “Catchup” literacy classes in Year 8.
Because some students come to High School behind in their literacy levels, each Year 8 class is timetabled for three extra periods of literacy skills per fortnight. This acts to “fill the gaps” that some students may have, and helps bring them to levels they will need to progress at High School. Additionally, a few students who are assessed to have particular “catchup” needs, are withdrawn from some classes to have small-group, intensive tutoring with a specialist teacher.

6 Homework Help after-school tutoring.
For three afternoons per week, special literacy/numeracy tutoring is available in the school Library, with access to computers and online facilities. The sessions run for an hour after school, with a qualified teacher.

7 Google Classroom program.
Mainly for Year 8, this is a program of additional literacy and numeracy skills exercises which can be accessed by students via computer in their homes or in the school Library. A school Google Classroom administrator posts new work each week, which must be completed and returned by students. All work is graded, returned to students, and answers posted to the previous week’s exercises. These skills exercises provide great preparation for the Year 9 NAPLAN tests.

8 Literacy/numeracy tracking program.
A central tracking system keeps track of all data coming in from these literacy/numeracy programs, and seeks to ensure that no student “falls through the cracks”. As it comes in, the data is monitored and responded to, to ensure timely intervention in the case of problems or difficulties experienced by students. Achievement is also able to be recognised and acknowledged.

9 Performance at the top end.
To perform at the highest levels, students need to combine writing skills with skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation. So, at senior levels especially, all students and staff are trained in ALARM – a package which improves access to the highest bands of HSC achievement. Our students are thus equipped to achieve their absolute personal best on the most important stage of all.

10 All our programs……. ….are based on : training of staff and students;
high-quality teaching programs, which deliver on essential literacy, numeracy and thinking skills; gathering and analysing critical information about progress, giving support where it is needed, and keeping parents informed; high expectations of parent support and involvement, and students taking responsibility for their own learning.

11 There is no greater priority than this.
At EHBHS….. There is no greater priority than this. For further information about our programs, call the school (Ph: , Ext 199) and ask to speak to Literacy/Numeracy support (Mon/Tues).

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