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ED 690: Reflecting, Writing, and Reviewing the PDP

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1 ED 690: Reflecting, Writing, and Reviewing the PDP
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ED 690: Reflecting, Writing, and Reviewing the PDP The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to give an overview of the Wisconsin PDP planning and how mentors and others may assist the initial educator with developing their plan. This is not meant to teach professional educators how to write a PDP.

2 Sample PDP As we review the components of the PDP, look at the sample completed PDP provided by “John.” Reminder – the template, toolkit, another sample PDP, and links to the services for the electronic PDPs are available at

3 A. Description of School & Teaching Situation (5 parts)
Describe your current teaching/pupil service or administrative situation Include the number of years in the current situation Describe the location of your school Describe the population demographics WINSS SITE for public schools: Or School Report Cards 5. Include district/building goals

4 B. Description of the Goal (2 parts)
State what you will learn and apply to impact your growth (what will you do that you haven’t done before?)… Describe the effect of that growth on student learning.

5 Writing a Goal Part 1: “ I will ________...
Part 2: …so that______________ Does your goal utilize these two prompts? Writing a goal requires the author to first articulate what s/he will learn (knowledge, skills, and dispositions) and how this will apply so that a desired result happens with student learning. Using the volunteer’s descriptions, can the group write a goal that includes Part 1 and Part 2? Ask participants if they can create a goal statement from the interview demonstration.

6 C. Rationale for the Goal (3 parts)
1. Current Situation (How does the goal link to this situation?) 2. Write out the standards that apply to your goal (use wording from standards)

7 D. Plan for Assessing the Goal (2 parts)
1. List methods to assess your growth (think of what you will be doing differently; change in your delivery) 2. List methods to assess the effect of the growth on student learning (formal, informal assessments, socio-emotional, behavioral, academic, etc.)

8 E: The Plan for Implementation of the PDP Objectives Activities Timelines in the Cycle Collaboration

9 Professional growth AND Student learning
Goal -Destination Initial/ Professional educator Objectives – Minimum of 2 overall statements connected to the goal (not activities) Professional growth AND Student learning 9

10 Objectives 1. One objective on gaining professional knowledge & skills (professional growth) Possible activities: Courses, workshops, study groups, in-services 2. One objective on how you will apply new learning in your situation (applications) 3. Ideally, one objective on how you will assess & analyze data (effects/results on student learning)

11 Cycle, Timelines, Collaboration of Activities
Include Activities that extend throughout the licensure cycle 5 years for Initial Educator (through Fall of year 5) 5 years for Professional Educator (through Fall of year 5) Include estimated timelines for activities Include collaborators on some activities

12 Stop and Discuss In groups, discuss Sections A-E of “John’s” PDP –
What is clear? How does his rationale help explain his goal choice? How do his objectives help him meet his goal? Other thoughts

13 Year 2– So, after initial educators write their PDP . . .
Select 3 team members for your review team for Goal Approval: 1 administrator, 1 peer, 1 IHE representative Submit/Post on online site for PDP to team no later than Jan. 1 (this is the goal) Team members will approve the goal electronically, then Begin implementing the plan! Begin collecting evidence Write a spring review each year of implementation—keep

14 PART TWO OF POWER POINT After Goal Approval . . .

15 III. Annual Review of the PDP
Years 2, 3 and 4 Is the responsibility of the Educator. Just save it; goes to team the last year Completed each spring prior to final year. Includes: Reflection. Revision. Briefly review Annual Reviews in “John’s” PDP

16 IV. Successful Completion of the Plan Written in Fall of Year 5
Summary and Reflection Statement B. Documentation of Successful Completion of the Plan

17 Summary and Reflection Statement Includes:
Discussion of the achievement of your goal and any changes made to your goal throughout the cycle. An analysis of indicators of growth. Reflection and analysis of your professional growth and how it impacted your students’ learning.

18 Documentation of Successful Completion of the Plan:
Be selective. Choose quality over quantity. Include 3-5 pieces of evidence of growth over the licensing cycle. Include at least some evidence for each; professional growth and student learning

19 Documentation Self-reflection (evaluating what you know, how you know it, and why you know it) are critical components of the documentation process. Key questions to keep in mind: What data or artifacts are you going to collect and why? What artifacts will help demonstrate your learning and the impact on your students? 19 19 19

20 Documentation Label all items for your review team
Evidence may include Sample of student work Letters of recommendation Attendance at professional meetings-with reflection of what you learned Supervisory evaluations Peer evaluations Journals, diaries or published articles Action research projects and results College course work with evidence of learning School assignments outside the classroom

21 Stop and Brainstorm “Documentation Artifacts Map”
Look at the sample artifacts map Then use the blank copy to fill in some ideas of how you may be able to document your growth or the impact on student learning Discuss your ideas with a partner

22 The PDP Team at Verification Year 5 or last year
Contact 3 persons trained to be on a PDP Team Initial Educators: IHE, Administrator, Peer Professional Educators: 3 Peers from your category Upload your evidence and the rest of your PDP to the electronic site. Verification will be sent to DPI. 22 22

23 Resources FOR EDUCATORS
DPI Resources for the PDP Process PDP Educator Tool Kits provide background and guidance to assist the educator with the PDP process.    PDP Initial Educator Tool Kit Quality Educator Interactive Wisconsin WI Educator Career Access Network

24 Time to Work on PDP You may use your own lap top or the computer lab to work. I will be around to review PDP goal statements At ______, return to room to share your PDP

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