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Generating Ideas.

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1 Generating Ideas

2 Designers use a variety of techniques to generate ideas.
Generating Ideas Designers use a variety of techniques to generate ideas. In this unit we will be looking at the different techniques most commonly used by designers.

3 Constructive discontent
Definition: Analysing a situation which would benefit from re-design, and working out a strategy for improving it. Creative designers are frequently dissatisfied with what exists and want to make the situation better. Every problem that has been solved can be solved again in a better way.

4 Constructive discontent
Example:Unhappy with his ignorance, man learned to pursue knowledge; not satisfied with walking or riding a donkey, man invented the wheel and began to ride.

5 Adaption Definition: An existing technology or solution to a problem in one field is used to provide a new idea for a solution in another.

6 Adaption Example: A method for tagging sheep and cows to monitor their movements on open hillsides or fields, and for controlling feeding, was developed from a method of electronically tagging soldiers in a battlefield. Cows wearing their yellow electronic tags.

7 Analogy Definition: Drawing on a similar situation for solutions, for example: an ultrasonic focusing system for cameras was based on how bats navigate in the dark.

8 Analogy Example: Odd, remote or strange analogies help stimulate the mind in new ways, eg: “cats eyes” in the middle of the road. Can you see the analogy in this design for a motorbike?

9 Brainstorming Definition:
Participants use the ideas of others to spark off their own ideas and to build upon and combine ideas to produce new ones. No criticism is allowed, even of the most ridiculous ideas.

10 Brainstorming Example: In advertising the designers will begin by throwing out ideas and evaluate and develop them in an open forum. In this picture you can see a group of designers brainstorming ideas for a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

11 Attribute listing Definition:
Attribute Listing works as a decomposition approach, breaking the problem down into smaller parts that can be examined individually. All things have attributes which are sometimes overlooked. By deliberately focusing on these, you can find new ways to be creative.

12 Attribute listing Example:
List attributes. For the object or thing in question, list as many attributes as you can. Thus, for example, a screwdriver has attributes of 'applies torque', 'metal shaft', etc. It can also be useful to first break the object down into constituent parts and look at the attributes of each part in question. You may break the screwdriver into the handle, the shaft and the tip. The tip then has attributes of 'fits screw', 'thin blade', etc. Consider value of attributes. For each attribute, ask 'what does this give'? Seek the real value of each attribute. It is also possible that attributes have 'negative value' -- ie. they detract from the overall value of the object. The handle of a screwdriver being examined has attributes of 'hexagonal' which have the value of 'helps grip' and 'stops rolling on workbench', but has negative value of 'sharp corners'. Modify attributes. Finally look for ways in which you can modify the attributes in some way. Thus you can increase value, decrease negative value or create new value. You could modify the attributes of the screwdriver handle to be 'comfortable grip' by adding a rubber sleeve.

13 Morphological synthesis
Definition: Morphological synthesis is an elaboration of attribute listing. After completing the list of attributes, list them along two sides of a 2D grid. Think creatively about how the attributes can be developed through new ideas in each of the cells to improve the design.

14 Variety is key! Designers use a variety of techniques to develop ideas. Actual techniques selected depend upon: personal choice, design context and time/resources available.

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