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acceptable quality level (AQL) Proportion of defects

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Presentation on theme: "acceptable quality level (AQL) Proportion of defects"— Presentation transcript:

1 acceptable quality level (AQL) Proportion of defects
AQL or producer’s risk or assignable variation? acceptable quality level (AQL) Proportion of defects a consumer considers acceptable. Page 410 2nd Ed, Page 469 Click here for Hint

2 acceptance sampling Estimating the quality of conformance of large
mean chart or acceptance sampling or SPC? acceptance sampling Estimating the quality of conformance of large batches through inspection of smaller samples. Page 409 2nd Ed, Page 468 Click here for Hint

3 assignable variation Deviations with a specific cause or source.
assignable variation or SPC or LTPD? assignable variation Deviations with a specific cause or source. Page 390 2nd Ed, Page 446 Click here for Hint

4 Average outgoing quality (AOQ)
tolerance or assignable variation or AOQ? Average outgoing quality (AOQ) Estimate of the proportion of defects that pass an acceptance sampling plan. Page 411 2nd Ed, Page 473 Click here for Hint

5 c-chart Control chart used in monitoring the count of
c-chart or p-chart or R-chart? c-chart Control chart used in monitoring the count of some characteristic within a sample. Page 407 2nd Ed, Page 467 Click here for Hint

6 standard normal distribution or control limit
or Central Limit Theorem? Central Limit Theorem The observation that sample values will approximate a normal distribution, regardless of the underlying distribution of the population being sampled. Page 389 2nd Ed, Page 446 Click here for Hint

7 consumer’s risk The likelihood of a type II error.
consumer’s risk or producer’s risk or Taguchi loss function? consumer’s risk The likelihood of a type II error. Page 393 2nd Ed, Page 450 Click here for Hint

8 control chart Graph illustrating observed
c-chart or control limit or control chart? control chart Graph illustrating observed values in relationship to the allowable limits on those values. Page 391 2nd Ed, Page 447 Click here for Hint

9 control limit A control chart boundary, where values observed
c-chart or control limit or control chart? control limit A control chart boundary, where values observed beyond this limit signal the process is not in control. Page 392 2nd Ed, Page 447 Click here for Hint

10 defect A single identifiable deviation from acceptable conformance.
tolerance or range or defect? defect A single identifiable deviation from acceptable conformance. Page 388 2nd Ed, Page 444 Click here for Hint

11 tactics or DMAIC or acceptable quality level?
Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control: emphasizes the various phases of the Six Sigma methodology. 2nd Ed, Page 456 Click here for Hint

12 functional organizational structure
functional organizational structure or TQM or LTPD? functional organizational structure An organization of specialists grouped into distinct departments. Page 395 2nd Ed, Page 454 Click here for Hint

13 ISO 9000 or Six Sigma or AQL? ISO 9000 A certification of compliance with an internationally recognized set of quality management standards. 2nd Ed, Page 456 Click here for Hint

14 lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) Maximum proportion of
LTPD or tolerance or assignable variation? lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) Maximum proportion of defects that a consumer can tolerate. Page 411 2nd Ed, Page 471 Click here for Hint

15 c-chart or p-chart or mean chart?
Control chart used in monitoring the central tendency of some characteristic within a sample, also known as an x-bar chart in reference to the plotting of averages. Page 398 2nd Ed, Page 457 Click here for Hint

16 natural variation The randomness inherent
SPC or natural variation or OC curve? natural variation The randomness inherent in a process, also known as random variation. Page 389 2nd Ed, Page 445 Click here for Hint

17 operating characteristic (OC) curve
SPC or acceptance sampling or OC curve? operating characteristic (OC) curve A graph of the likelihood of accepting a batch, given an increasing proportion of defects within that batch. Page 409 2nd Ed, Page 469 Click here for Hint

18 outcome bias A tendency to assume a process is acceptable if its
type II error or type I error or outcome bias? outcome bias A tendency to assume a process is acceptable if its output is acceptable. Page 395 2nd Ed, Page 454 Click here for Hint

19 p-chart Control chart used in monitoring the proportion
c-chart or p-chart or R-chart? p-chart Control chart used in monitoring the proportion of some characteristic within a sample. Page 405 2nd Ed, Page 464 Click here for Hint

20 Poisson distribution A discrete probability
Poisson distribution or SPC or Taguchi loss function? Poisson distribution A discrete probability distribution describing the likelihood of a particular number of independent events within a particular interval. Page 410 Not in 2nd Ed Ch 13. Click here for Hint

21 process capability The natural variation in
producer’s risk or process capability or consumer’s risk? process capability The natural variation in an existing process, stated relative to the allowable variation specified in a product’s design. Page 394 2nd Ed, Page 450 Click here for Hint

22 producer’s risk The likelihood of a type I error.
consumer’s risk or producer’s risk or Taguchi loss function? producer’s risk The likelihood of a type I error. Page 393 2nd Ed, Page 450 Click here for Hint

23 quality of conformance
quality of conformance or producer’s risk or outcome bias? quality of conformance The degree to which the output of an operation meets the producer’s expectations. Page 388 2nd Ed, Page 444 Click here for Hint

24 R-chart Control chart used in monitoring the range of
c-chart or p-chart or R-chart? R-chart Control chart used in monitoring the range of some characteristic within a sample. Page 402 2nd Ed, Page 461 Click here for Hint

25 range The difference between the largest observed value of
mean chart or type I error or range? range The difference between the largest observed value of some characteristic within a sample and the smallest observed value of that same characteristic. Page 401 2nd Ed, Page 461 Click here for Hint

26 sampling plan Defined procedure for conducting acceptance
natural variation or sampling plan or SPC? sampling plan Defined procedure for conducting acceptance sampling, including the criteria that determines rejection of the batch being sampled. Page 409 2nd Ed, Page 468 Click here for Hint

27 scientific management
AQL or scientific management or TQM? scientific management A methodology stressing the use of data collection and analysis to redesign processes and improve efficiency. Page 395 2nd Ed, Page 453 Click here for Hint

28 TQM or AQL or Six Sigma? Six Sigma A quality management program emphasizing the application of analytical tools and widespread involvement of employees across the organization. 2nd Ed, Page 456 Click here for Hint

29 standard normal distribution
standard normal distribution or control limit or Central Limit Theorem? standard normal distribution A normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. Any other normal distribution can be converted to this standard, allowing the use of standard normal tables to analyze the original distributions. Page 400 2nd Ed, Page 460 Click here for Hint

30 statistical process control (SPC) The monitoring of overall
SPC or AQL or TQM? statistical process control (SPC) The monitoring of overall conformance through the ongoing evaluation of samples. Page 390 2nd Ed, Page 447 Click here for Hint

31 tactics Means to pursue strategic goals with available resources.
DMAIC or tactics or mean chart? tactics Means to pursue strategic goals with available resources. 2nd Ed, Page 455 Click here for Hint

32 Taguchi loss function A proposed model of the cost of nonconformance
SPC or Taguchi loss function or control chart? Taguchi loss function A proposed model of the cost of nonconformance that penalizes even small degrees of deviation from a target specification. Page 397 2nd Ed, Page 456 Click here for Hint

33 tolerance Allowable variation from a standard.
SPC or assignable variation or tolerance? tolerance Allowable variation from a standard. Page 397 2nd Ed, Page 456 Click here for Hint

34 total quality management (TQM)
TQM or AQL or SPC? total quality management (TQM) Simultaneous and continuous pursuit of improvement in both the quality of design and conformance through the involvement of the entire organization. Page 396 2nd Ed, Page 455 Click here for Hint

35 type I error or type II error or defect?
In quality control, concluding the process is out of control when in fact it is not. Page 393 2nd Ed, Page 448 Click here for Hint

36 type I error or type II error or control limit?
In quality control, concluding the process is in control when in fact it is not. Page 393 2nd Ed, Page 450 Click here for Hint

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