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Spanish 1 & 2 Señora Niesluchowski

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1 Spanish 1 & 2 Señora Niesluchowski

2 Home Access - Staying connected
PLEASE make sure all your information on Home Access is updated so I have the correct contact information when needed. ABS = ABSENT. Does NOT hurt score. Students need to make up assignment before deadline or it will be changed to a zero. NHI = NOT HANDED IN. Students did not turn in the assignment the day it was due. Late work is not accepted. Resulting score is a zero and is NOT eligible for remediation/make- up. Please check grades once a week and me with any questions or concerns. (Friday eligibility). Please keep in mind….It is easier if YOU me, than for me to remember which parents of my students want a regular updates. 

3 6 Grading Categories Vocab 10% Grammar 10%
Grades reflect skills that can be assessed. NO completion grades based on effort. Focus on the strong / weak areas Goal to achieve a well rounded grade and fluency. Vocab % Grammar 10% Writing (Essay 10% Responsive 10%) Speaking (Presentational 10% Conversational 10%) Listening 20% Reading 20%

REMEDIATION retakes for D/F coursework assessments Coursework is 85% of semester grade Midterms or finals are 15% of semester grade ½ credit per each semester.

5 REMEDIATION POLICY Only on assessments 69% and below
By appointment THURSDAYS after school 2:35 – 3:15  Must attend a minimum of TWO tutoring sessions and complete remediation form to prove student has improved skills. Must complete and turn in any extra work as deemed necessary by teacher in aide in skill improvement. Must complete remediations by posted deadlines. Assessments can be retaken once and have a grade cap of 70%. If students score lower on the retake, students will earn the lower score since it reflects the most current evaluation of their abilities.

6 EXTRA HELP / TUTORING Make a scheduled appointment on TUESDAYS OR FRIDAYS after school. 2:35 – 2:50 OR 2:50 – 3:05 Also available during 6th hour Guided Study by appointment only. Come prepared with specific topic/skill and study materials. Sign up is on board in classroom for easy access to my availability.

If students miss an assessment due to an excused absence, they need to make an appointment for THURSDAYS after school 2:35 – 3:15 OR during 6th hour Guided Study Must make up missed assessments by posted deadlines.

Practice in each of the 6 categories Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocab HANDOUT - “Studying a New Language is NOT the same” Scooby snacks – multiple mini sessions over 24 hours Long term retention –v- cramming short term Use phone/iPads to record lists, conversations Study with a partner or parent Student becomes the teacher, brings questions to class

9 RESOURCES Text, practice workbook, listening workbook REQUIRED Binder
Study guide for ALL assessments, Midterm & Final Study Reference guide for next level Online Google Classroom Internet based help (please see my website) Tutoring

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