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Q016 The dessert wind blew through Michelle’s hair and whipped her nylon jacket. Change ... dessert > desert through > threw whipped > wiped No change.

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Presentation on theme: "Q016 The dessert wind blew through Michelle’s hair and whipped her nylon jacket. Change ... dessert > desert through > threw whipped > wiped No change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q016 The dessert wind blew through Michelle’s hair and whipped her nylon jacket. Change ... dessert > desert through > threw whipped > wiped No change needed Excellent choice! Dessert = the sweet item at end of meal. You can go back for seconds, so there are two s’s in the word. Desert = sandy place, the right word for this sentence. Through = the preposition that you need. Threw = a verb that means to hurl into the air, an illogical choice for the sentence. The verb whipped = thrashed. Wiped, on the other hand, means to clean with a cloth, which is inappropriate here. Check more carefully! There is an error.

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