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Basic beliefs and practices

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1 Basic beliefs and practices
Islam Basic beliefs and practices The Crescent Moon, a waxing, growing moon, represents paradise in the Islamic faith.

2 Setting Began in modern country of Saudi Arabia Founder: Muhammad
Holy city: Mecca Muhammad meditated in a cave & heard God’s message. Mohammad begins to preach this message and is persecuted as a threat to those in power/the polytheistic leaders of Mecca. He flees to Medina for safety. This journey in 622 is the hijrah; marks the start of their religious calendar. Ten years later he has enough followers to return to and conquer Mecca Islam = religion Muslim = person who practices Islam.

3 Beliefs Monotheistic – Belief in only one God (Allah) Ten Commandments
Prophets Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Moses and Jesus (Old and New Testament) + Mohammed is the last prophet (person who received God’s message)

4 Lineage of monotheistic religions

5 Beliefs (con’t) Equality of all believers in God’s eyes
Everyone is responsible for his/her actions Judgment Day: Paradise or Hell Men must care for women (patriarchal)

6 Practices:. (Things that people do consistently based on their beliefs

7 The Five Pillars of Islam
Parents were not poor, born into a prominent clan of Quraysh tribe in a Bedouin encampment where he spent the first 6 years of his life Father died before he was born and mother died shortly after his birth, adopted by his uncle.

8 Five Pillars of Faith 1 God and no other gods
0ne month of fasting during daylight hours of the holy month of Ramadan, & read 1/30th of the Qur’an each day. 5x day pray facing the Ka’aba in Mecca 1 hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca in your lifetime if you can afford it and are healthy enough to make the journey. 2% of your wealth donated to charity

9 Ka’aba (“Cube”) It is an ancient stone structure built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located in the Mosque at Mecca. Holiest site for Muslims because God performed a miracle that saved Ishmael here. It is the primary destination of their hajj or pilgrimage.

10 House of worship: mosque Each mosque had a minaret or prayer tower.
A muezzin sounds the call to prayer from the tower, five times a day. A An Imam leads the prayer service. Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem Drawing of a typical inside of a mosque

11 Holy Text: Qur’an/Koran is written in Arabic.
All Muslims learn to read and write Arabic. Sharia – Book of Islamic law Hadith – Traditional practices of Muhammad; followed today

12 Practices (con’t) Dress code:
Men must wear a kufi (skull cap), loose clothing and a beard.

13 Women must wear a hijab (head scarf) and loose fitting clothing.
Burqa/burka: veiled body covering; a Persian custom not Islam.

14 Restrictions Diet: No pork & no alcohol & no smoking No Gambling
Polygamy: Practice of having many wives. Muhammad limited the number to 4 wives and all must be treated equally. No artwork of living things!

15 Art Arabesque – floral and vine like patterns.
Tessellations – repeating geometric patterns Calligraphy – decorative form of writing

16 Calligraphy

17 Sects of Islam (Split over who should be caliph)
Sunni Shi’a Sufi 85% 15% <1% A caliph is a spiritual leader claiming to succession from Muhammad. Extremists interpret jihad (service to God) as a reason to wage a “holy war” of violence against non-Muslims.


19 Insert the beliefs & practices of Judaism, Christianity & Islam

20 Insert the beliefs & practices of Judaism, Christianity & Islam
Abraham is founder Torah & Talmud Saturday /Synagogue Rabbi Hebrew Bris Kosher Foods Rosh Hashanah & Passover Judaism Persecuted by the Romans No pork Dress Code No Messiah Religious laws based on holy book Christianity Islam Jesus is founder Bible Sunday / Church Priest Latin Jesus is Messiah Lent & no meat on Fridays Sacraments & works of mercy Salvation for the weak, poor, the mistreated. Christmas & Easter Monotheism 10 Commandments 5 Books of Moses Same prophets Jerusalem is holy Charity God’s forgiveness Heaven Muhammad is founder Quran, Sharia (law) & Hadith Friday / Mosque Imam – caliph Arabic Ramadan Pillars Mecca Hijab Fasting Hell Turn the other cheek

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