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Warm Up; What do Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi have in common?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up; What do Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi have in common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up; What do Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi have in common?
World History Warm Up; What do Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi have in common?

2 Directions: You will be researching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi to get a better understanding of using power WITHOUT violence. Read through the links on the next few slides and evaluate the methods used by both men. As you read through the documents, look at the pictures, and research complete the charts on the next slide. Once you have competed each chart and read through all the material, create a Venn diagram comparing Martin Luther King Jr and Gandhi Although you are working in partners, each student is responsible for their own chart and Venn diagram

3 Step 1: Charts: each section should have at least 3 points (you may create your own chart however you please as long as this information is included) Martin Luther King JR Gandhi Who: What: When: Where: Why: How: Who: Who were the men. Give background. What did they do for a living? Where did they grow up? What: What did each men do that was significant. How did they do it. Describe in great detail. When: When did each men make an impact. What was going on during that time period. Why was this time period significant to their achievements. Where: Where was this all taking place. Why is this important. How does this play a role Why: Why did each man do what he did. What was their motive. How did this impact the world. How was the world changed because of them. What changed because of them. How: How did each man change the world without using violence. How is this an example of power without violence. Describe generally then give specific events.

4 Dr. Martin Luther King Junior
Background Information Using the link provided, research the background and life of Martin Luther King Jr Nonviolence and Racial Justice This 1957 article, based on King's experience during the Montgomery bus boycott, includes a review of race relations in the United States (paragraphs 1-7) and a concise summary of King's views on nonviolence (paragraphs 8-16). Read this article to help you better understand Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actions and reasoning. Letter from Birmingham Jail King wrote this famous article in 1963 while imprisoned for leading a nonviolent campaign against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. He explains and defends his tactics in paragraphs Use this letter to better under the situation and Martin Luther King Jr’s experience. Non-Violent Protests Using the gallery link provided, look at the pictures of non-violent protests. Use this photos to help you better understand the civil rights movement lead by Martin Luther King Junior. These are great examples of using power without having to use violence. Selma to Montgomery March Use this link to research the powerful march lead by MLK I Have a Dream Use this link to watch a clip from Martin Luther King’s iconic speech. This will help you better understand how he uses his power without using violence.

5 Links Not working? Biography of Martin Luther King: Google “Biography Martin Luther King”. Choose the link that is from Nonviolence and Racial Justice: Google “Nonviolence and Racial Justice”. Use any of the links. The first PDF is the best. Letters From Birmingham Jail: Google “letters from Birmingham jail” Any of the first three links will work. Non-Violent Protests: Google Image “martin Luther king jr non-violent protest”. Look at the different pictures Selma to Montgomery March: Google “Selma to Montgomery March” Click the first link I Have a Dream: Google Video “I have a dream speech martin luther king” and watch any of the videos. Just watch a few minutes of the speech.

6 Mahatma Gandhi Background Information To Every Englishman in India
Using the link provided, research the background of Gandhi To Every Englishman in India Read this primary source document of a letter written by Gandhi to the people of India. This document portrays Gandhi’s non-violent ideals and the changes he wishes upon the people Gallery Use the pictures found on page 7 to get a better understanding of Gandhi’s non violent movements. Salt March This article explains Gandhi’s Salt March, a powerful movement that had a great impact in Gandhi goal for peace. How Did Gandhi Win Use this article to help explain how Gandhi was able to achieve peace without using violence. This article will help you explain how Gandhi used his power without violence.

7 Links not working? Background Information: Google “biography Gandhi” use the link from To Every Englishman in India: google “To Every Englishman in India”. Use the first link to read the letter Gallery: Google “utexas salt march” and use the link from Salt March: Google “Britannica salt march Gandhi” Use the first link from How Did Gandhi Win: google “how did Gandhi win” and read the article found at

8 This should be large with at least 4 points in each section (12 total)
Step 2: Venn Diagram This should be large with at least 4 points in each section (12 total) MLK Gandhi


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