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Bone up on Calcium!.

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Presentation on theme: "Bone up on Calcium!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bone up on Calcium!

2 Interesting Calcium Facts
The average 130 pound adult has 3 pounds of calcium in their body 99% of calcium in the body is in the bones The human body contains more calcium than any other mineral.

3 Bones work towards peak bone mass: they become stronger and more dense.
Birth Late teens 30-35 ? During childhood, bones grow long and wide Bones slowly lose minerals that give them strength

4 Your Living Bones

5 Detrimental to optimal bone health
Dieting ( dieting limits nutrients, calcium intake is limited too) Smoking Intake of caffeine (it blocks calcium absorption) Alcohol

6 The fallout of low calcium intake…

7 Counting Up Calcium 1 cup of skim milk = 300 milligrams
1 cup Nonfat plain yogurt = 450 milligrams 1 oz. cheese= 205 milligrams ½ cup broccoli = 45 milligrams Goal for teens: 1300 milligrams of calcium daily.

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