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Reporting on industrial installations

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1 Reporting on industrial installations
1st EIONET Workshop on Industrial Pollution Andreas Grangler DG Environment Unit C.4 (new!) –Industrial emissions 1 1

2 To cover: Industrial pollution and reporting – overview Activities
Recent reporting exercises: SED, IPPC, WID, IED, E-PRTR Article 16 Electronic reporting tool on the IED Integration of the reporting on LCPs into E-PRTR


4 Contribution to the bigger picture
7th Environment action programme (Decision /2013/EU) to 2020 high uptake of BAT by industry Promote emerging innovations / resource efficiency Priority objective 5: improve the knowlegde and evidence base for environment policy …by simplifying, streamlining and modernising data and information collection, management, sharing and re-use… IED, recital 38: streamline reporting, e.g. with E-PRTR  How can we make reporting easier and better?

5 Streamlining, how?

6 Activities Legacy reporting – last reporting cycles on IPPC, SED, WID in 2014  web-form First reporting cycle on IED (2013)  web-form Second reporting cycle on E-PRTR (Article 16)  web- form Emission reporting on LCPs  switch to web-form and later on integration into E-PRTR Second reporting on IED ( )  Electronic reporting tool on IED

7 Activities Legacy reporting – last reporting cycles on IPPC, SED, WID  web-form First reporting cycle on IED (2013)  web-form Deadline was 30 September 2014 Follow up (missing reports, etc.) Assessment of reports in 2015

8 Activities Second reporting cycle on E-PRTR (Article 16)  web- form
Deadline was 30 September 2014 Assessement merged with the REFIT evaluation of the E-PRTR Regulation Evaluation started in December 2014, final report expected in December 2015

9 Activities Emission reporting on LCPs  switch to web-form
For the remaining period ( ), plant by plant data will be provided annually Web-form replacing excel based reporting Deadlines: 31 March 2015 for 2013 data 31 March 2016 for 2014 data 31 March 2017 for 2015 data Integration of the reporting on LCPs (IED) into E-PRTR as from 31 March 2018 (for 2016 data) – IT project started in December 2014, to be finalised by end of 2015

10 Reporting on Large combustion plants from 2018
Re-structure the E-PRTR XML Reporting Schema Update reporting workflow Help Member States adjusting their systems E-PRTR reporting on facilities remains unchanged Emissions, transfers, waste LCP reporting web-form XML Schema Under construction LCP integration into E-PRTR XML-Schema 2014 2015

11 Activities Second reporting on IED ( )  Development of an Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) Reporting due by 30. September 2017 Consisting of 4 modules, including an installation database and a module on the implementation of BAT conclusions Linking with E-PRTR and other reporting instruments Call for tender launched February 2015

12 Timeline IED Electronic Reporting Tool

13 Support by EEA Development of web-forms and technical assistance
Hosting of reportnet, helpdesk Hosting of the E-PRTR Technical support as regards IT projects on reporting LCP integration into E-PRTR IED Electronic Reporting Tool E-PRTR website upgrade Hosting of future Electronic Reporting Tool on IED (database, etc.)

14 How do we consider Inspire?
Installation reference numbers – identifiers- streamlining of reporting Installation addresses Installation location Competent authorities (permits/inspections) – administrative units Data specifications for production and industrial facilities (data theme) area management (data theme) Inspire-Unit in DG Env together with JRC accompany the current IT projects. Close cooperation with EEA, volunteer Member States institutions

15 Further information: DG ENV Industrial Emissions CIRCABC
CIRCABC Andreas Grangler Unit C.4(new) Industrial emissions or

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