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Probing the gluon Wigner distribution in diffractive dijet production

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1 Probing the gluon Wigner distribution in diffractive dijet production
Yoshitaka Hatta (Yukawa Institute, Kyoto U.) YH, Xiao, Yuan, PRL 116 (2016) Hagiwara, YH, Ueda, PRD 94 (2016) YH, Nakagawa, Yuan, Zhao,    Hagiwara, YH, Pasechnik, Tasevsky , Teryaev, work in progress

2 Nucleon tomography 3D tomography
Partons are characterized by not only the longitudinal momentum fraction , but also by the transverse momentum (TMD) and impact parameter (GPD) 3D tomography

3 5D tomography: Wigner distribution— the “mother distribution”
Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2003); TMD GPD PDF Form factor charge

4 5D tomography: GTMD and Husimi
Meissner, Metz, Schlegel (2009) Hagiwara, YH (2015) Gaussian smearing in k, b PDF Form factor charge TMD GPD

5 Wigner/Husimi/GTMD model calculations, 1-loop calculations, evolution...
Lorce, Pasquini Liu, Ma Mukherjee, Nair, Ojha Courtoy, Goldstein, Hernandez, Liuti, Rajan Hagiwara, YH、 Echevarria, Idilbi, Kanazawa, Lorce, Metz, Pasquini, Schlegel Gutsche, Lyubovitskij, Schmidt ….. Wigner Husimi GTMD

6 Parton orbital angular momentum
Nucleon spin decomposition Quarks’ helicity Gluons’ helicity Canonical Orbital angular momentum Lorce, Pasquini, (2011); YH (2011)

7 Wigner distribution: Is it measurable?
In quantum optics, yes! What about in QCD? Go to small-x!

8 Dipole gluon Wigner distribution at small-x
YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016) Approximate ``Dipole S-matrix” Find a process sensitive to both and .

9 Diffractive vector meson production
A phase factor needed YH, Xiao, Yuan One can study the dependence on (Munier, Stasto, Mueller, 2001) but not on

10 Diffractive dijet production
Altinoluk, Armesto, Beuf, Rezaeian (2015) YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016) Jet 1 Jet 2 Proton recoil momentum Dijet relative momentum Fourier transform of  dominated by for small-

11 `Elliptic’ Wigner distribution
correlation between and expected at small-x Small in magnitude (a few percent effect) Distinct functional dependence on Hagiwara, YH, Ueda (2016) Elliptic Wigner also relevant to: `elliptic flow’ in pA and pp collisions gluon transversity GPD and correlation in DVCS correlation in quasielastic scattering Hagiwara, YH, Xiao, Yuan (2017) YH, Xiao, Yuan (2017) Zhou (2016)

12 Computing Wigner from BK
Hagiwara, YH, Ueda (2016) Solve Balitsky-Kovchegov with b-dependence. Gubser (2011) Assume that a SO(3) subgroup of conformal group survives Traveling wave (geometric scaling) No traveling wave!

13 Measuring Wigner in ultra-peripheral pA collisions
Hagiwara, YH, Pasechnik, Tasevsky, Teryaev, in progress preferably small Use the Weiszacker-Williams photons with in UPC! YH, Xiao, Yuan (2016) photon flux

14 Gluon orbital angular momentum
Challenge: Can we measure OAM? OAM parton distribution Look at the component Then Find a process sensitive to

15 - Longitudinal single spin asymmetry in diffractive dijet production 2
YH, Nakagawa, Yuan, Zhao (2016) Yong Zhao, talk on Thursday 2 2 - Vanishes in the eikonal approximation. Go to next-to-eikonal. cf. Altinoluk, Armeso, Beuf, Martinez, Salgado (2014)

16 The asymmetry Odderon! Conjecture : at small-x

17 Conclusions Gluon Wigner distribution in QCD measurable in diffractive dijet production in DIS and UPC Elliptic Wigner responsible for correlations in dijet, , DVCS,… OAM at small-x also accessible. Unexpected connection between and What about quark Wigner? Bhattacharya, Metz, Zhou

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