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Weight Loss Supplements

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1 Weight Loss Supplements

2 Overview What is a weight loss supplement?
Why do people use weight loss supplements? Examples of weight loss supplements Benefits and Risks Healthy methods to lose and maintain weight Introduce and state the overview of the presentation. Scope of this presentation is to educate on what are weight loss supplements and why people choose to use them. The names and types of weight loss supplements available will also be discussed. As well as the benefits and risks associated with the use of weight loss supplements and the most effective, safest, and healthy methods of losing and maintaining weight. Bullet 1- What is a weight loss supplement? Bullet 2 - Why do people use weight loss supplements? Bullet 3 - Types of weight loss supplements Bullet 4 - Benefits and Risks Bullet 5 - Healthy methods to lose and maintain weight

3 What is a weight loss supplement?
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “a dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a dietary ingredient, intended to add further nutritional value to (supplement) the diet.” A weight loss supplement is used primarily for the purpose of weight loss. Do not require any safety approval by the FDA prior to marketing Dietary supplements come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, bars, powders, and liquids Bullet 1- Explain what is a weight loss supplement: According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “a dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a dietary ingredient, intended to add further nutritional value to (supplement) the diet.” A weight loss supplement is used primarily for the purpose of weight loss. Bullet 2 - Explain that although these supplements are regulated by the FDA, the manufacturers can market them without approval from the FDA. Bullet 3 - Explain the various forms of weight loss/dietary supplements: Dietary supplements come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, bars, powders, and liquids.

4 Why do people use weight loss supplements?
Obese/Overweight: According to the National Institutes of Health, 45% of overweight Americans and 67% of those who are obese are trying to lose weight. Difficulty and/or lack of commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes Advertisement and claims. Supplements are easy and offer quick results Bullet 1 - Discuss obesity: More than two-third of adults and almost one-third of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight or obese. Forty-five percent of overweight Americans and 67% of those who are obese are trying to lose weight. Bullet 2 - Discuss the lack of commitment to a healthy lifestyle consisting of physical activity and healthy eating causes the want and use of supplements. Bullet 3 - Discuss that manufacturer’s claims and advertisements entices those looking for easy and quick weight loss results, but they can be misleading and unrealistic.

5 Examples of weight loss supplements
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Garcinia cambogia Give a brief explanation of each supplement. Picture 1 - Garcinia cambogia: Said to inhibit a fat-producing enzyme in the body and increase levels of serotonin, that reduce cravings. Effectiveness: Little to no significant weight loss. Side effects: Mild digestive issues. Picture 2 - Orlistat: OTC drug that inhibits the breakdown of fat in the stomach, causing decreased intake of calories from fat. Effectiveness: Some weight loss. Side effects: Diarrhea, digestive problems, vitamin deficiency, and flatulence. Picture 3 - Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Reduces appetite, boosts metabolism, and stimulates the breakdown of body fat. Effectiveness: Moderate weight loss: Side effects: Digestive issues and potential harmful effects over time potentially contributing to fatty liver, insulin resistance and increased inflammation. Picture 4 - Hydroxycut: Popular supplement that contains several weight loss ingredients including caffeine. Effectiveness: Moderate weight loss. Side effects: Anxiety, jitteriness, tremors, nausea, diarrhea and irritability. Orlistat Hydroxycut

6 Examples of weight loss supplements (cont.)
Caffeine  Raspberry Ketones Give a brief explanation of each supplement. Picture 1 - Raspberry Ketones: Increases breakdown of fat. Effectiveness: No evidence of weight loss in humans. Side effects: N/A Picture 2 - Green Tea Extract: Contains an antioxidant that helps to burn fat. Effectiveness: Slight weight loss. Side effects: Anxiety, jitteriness, tremors, nausea, diarrhea and irritability. Picture 3 - Caffeine: Boost metabolism. Effectiveness: Moderate weight loss: Side effects: Side effects: Anxiety, jitteriness, tremors, nausea, diarrhea and irritability. Picture 4 - Glucomannan: Absorbs water causing a feeling of fullness which decreases caloric intake. Effectiveness: Significant weight loss with healthy dieting. Side effects: Bloating, flatulence, soft stools, and contraindication with some oral medications if taken together. Glucomannan Green Tea Extract

7 Benefits and Risks Some weight loss supplements when combined with a healthy diet, physical activity and/or exercise can contribute to weight loss The benefits are short-term and once discontinued the weight gain may reoccur coupled with a poor diet and lack of activity The use of supplements has significant health risks and side effects and should be taken with caution Interaction with other medications can cause serious complications Bullet 1 - Discuss the benefit of weight loss supplements. Some weight loss supplements when combined with a healthy diet, physical activity and/or exercise can contribute to weight loss. Bullet 2 - Explain that the benefits are short-term and a continued healthy diet and physical activity can prevent regaining the weight. Bullet 3 - Discuss the risks of weight loss supplements. Bullet 4 - Explain the risks of taking supplements with medications. Lead a short discussion about whether or not the non-guaranteed results/short-term results and limited minimal benefits outweigh the risks.

8 Healthy methods to lose and maintain weight
Healthy weight loss diet Regular exercise/physical activity Weight loss supplements are not the solution Lifestyle Bullet 1 - Explain that a healthy low calorie diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein is effective for weight loss. Bullet 2 - Explain that incorporating some form of daily physical activity and regular exercise consisting of strength training and aerobic training at least 3-5 days per week for minutes can reduce body fat/weight. Bullet 3 - Explain that supplements are not the solution and are overall ineffective for long-term weight loss and maintenance. Bullet 4 - Explain that a healthy and active lifestyle is the most effective and safest way to lose weight.

9 References Authority Nutrition. (2017). 12 Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed. Retrieved from reviewed/ National Institutes of Health. (2015). Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss — Health Professional Fact Sheet. Retrieved from U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2015). What is a dietary supplement? Retrieved from

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