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The Key to a Stable Income Is to Promote Supervisors

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Presentation on theme: "The Key to a Stable Income Is to Promote Supervisors"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key to a Stable Income Is to Promote Supervisors
Promoting downline supervisors provides a more stable check each month.

2 What Fears Do We Have About Promoting Downline?
Decrease in overrides Decrease in central group sales You won’t be #1 any more Lose Central Group consultants Won’t be able to maintain minimums Do you have some fears not mentioned?

3 Laura’s Income vs. Promotions
1st line promotion- Jan and 2 in Dec. 2001 1st line demotion- July 2001 2nd line promotion- April 2002

4 Terri’s Income vs. Promotions
1st line -Jul 2000, Oct 2000, Jul 2001, Sept 2001, Mar 2002 1st line demotion- Jul 2001 2nd line- Aug 2000, Mar 2001, June 2002

5 Benefits of Promoting Downline
Overall growth of group and business Overall increase in overrides each year More stable income Shared work load Shared responsibility for training/materials Less expenses on newsletters, awards, etc You help fulfill others’ needs/goals

6 Tips for Promoting Downline
Know each consultant’s goals Listen for verbal clues from them Keep in close contact by phone/ Think of each consultant as your next supervisor Train them to recruit When they have 3-4 bronze recruits, set a promotion date Help them understand the minimum requirements

7 You Have To Focus On It If you aren’t focused on promoting downline, it won’t happen Watch your group for steady workers that are busy and recruiting and then focus on them promoting Start talking about WHEN they promote Many Supervisors aren’t promoting downline simply because they haven’t focused on it

8 Things to Say to Downline
“You are my next supervisor” Talk about getting a “raise in pay” often Tell them how much you are making in overrides “You can do it!” “It is time…let’s plan on you promoting Dec.1 because Oct and Nov are the easiest months to hit your minimums!” (for example) “Have you ever considered promoting to supervisor?” “Wow, that was a great bonus! But if you were already a supervisor you would have made ___!”

9 How to make a successful transition after they promote
Start looking for your next supervisor Get busy and recruit! Fill up your calendar so you have confidence about your personal business FOCUS on your remaining central group! Give her/him a few months to organize/plan Include your new 1st line in your newsletters for a few months Promote HO Supervisor Training

10 You have helped someone else succeed!
The Best Part Is… You have helped someone else succeed!

11 UNLOCK the Potential in Your Group!
You now hold the keys of knowledge…go unlock the potential that is already there waiting!

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