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Presentation on theme: "QUALIFIED RECYCLING PROGRAM AREA MANAGER INFORMATION"— Presentation transcript:

September 2017

2 Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) Background
The QRP recycles material that could be discarded but can be used as raw materials after undergoing some type of physical or chemical processing Eligible materials include: scrap metals, such as iron, steel, or aluminum, and other products such as cardboard, paper, used oil, batteries, plastic, glass and rubber Program proceeds are used to defray costs of programs Pollution abatement Environmental programs, energy conservation improvements Occupational, safety and health programs Morale, welfare and recreation programs

3 QRP Process Audit and compliance considerations necessitated business process changes QRPs can turn material in to DLA Disposition Services Only hazardous material will generate a reimbursement Scrap QRP halted May 31, 2017 pending direction on compliant way forward Installations can direct sell Work with installation Finance to create direct sale agreements Utilize local buyers who purchase one or several types of material Develop relationships with national buyers who serve the area and buy many types of materials QRP Managers need to work closely with installation Units Ensure Units understand how to mark 1348s for QRP material Give Units a list of materials that are eligible for reimbursement Train personnel where QRP material will be stacked and stored Make certain Units/QRP team has certifications where necessary

4 Audit Readiness Each installation will have internal and external audits The A must be kept and available for review Certifications for applicable disposals will be needed Sales agreements will be part of the audit Proceed accounts will be required for review Applicable Regulations DODI , Integrated Recycling and Solid Waste Management is regulation directly over QRP 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2577, establishes the authority for QRPs and discusses distribution of proceeds 32 CFR 172, further discusses proceeds and establishes eligibility and prohibitions Financial Management Regulation, Vol 11, Chapter 5, discusses sales and proceeds from sales Service QRP POC is a great resource for assistance Each Service has QRP manuals and support for the QRP Managers

5 Further Assistance Air Force Institute of Technology QRP course, WENV 160 The AFIT QRP course is given three times a year WENV 160 goes through entire QRP process from creation of a business plan through reimbursement account management DLA Disposition Services local field site Disposal Service Representatives (DSRs) can answer QRP material turn-in questions The Digital DSR at has information available for the QRP Manager


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