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Welcome to Medical Biophysics Seminar Series

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Medical Biophysics Seminar Series"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Medical Biophysics Seminar Series
MBP 1015Y Information Session September 27, 2017

2 Overview Purpose, Logistics Coordinators & Contacts Locations
Seminar Schedule Rules, Grades Evaluation Criteria Q & A Presenter’s Perspective (John Rubinstein) Tips – DOs and DON’Ts

3 Goals of MBP 1015Y 1st - to provide practical experience and guidance in the clear and concise oral communication of research results to an audience of scientifically educated / intelligent non-specialist (peers and faculty) 2nd - to give each student a broad knowledge of all aspects of research undertaken at all departmental sites (PM, Sunnybrook, others)

4 MBP 1015Y: logistics 25 minutes presentations by the students about their research (1st year students downtown: 17 minutes) Full credit course Taken every year while in the MBP program Students present every year (schedule permitting) Seminar evaluated by MBP faculty (+ student peers) Faculty feedback provided Student (peer) feedback mandatory

5 Course coordinators Michael Hoffman, Alex Vitkin (PM Cancer Centre)
Brad MacIntosh (SRI) Daphne Sears, (Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower, Suite ) – MBP Admin

6 Locations, times UPTOWN DOWNTOWN
Sunnybrook, Jenkin Auditorium, Rm. TB21 Tuesdays, 4-5pm (3:30-5:30pm) Evaluation same room DOWNTOWN PM Cancer Centre, (Auditorium) Wednesdays, 4-5pm (3:30-5:30pm)

7 “The rules”… All MBP students must give a seminar
MSc students - TWICE PhD students - MINIMUM 3 TIMES (MORE…) Final grade based on 2nd seminar Attendance is mandatory either location counts

8 Attendance: student (peer) forms

9 Scheduling By seniority, by discipline, by location; senior students may be asked to present at either location check for updates/changes! If you are 2nd year and you are not on the list  contact us ASAP Requests for changes (an exception!): find your own “switch”, to be confirmed by one of the coordinators a “last-minute volunteer (stand-by) list” (3rd years and up, and/or MBP1015Y ‘slackers’)

10 Travel to-fro Shuttle Women’s College <-> Sunnybrook
Ask Daphne / Donna - yearly passes Leaves every 30 min

11 Required from students (to be emailed to Daphne)
Provisional title (2nd year +) by Oct 1st, 2017 (i.e., now!) 1st year by Feb 1st, 2018 Abstract: due the week before your scheduled seminar (deadline THURSDAY NOON!!!) use MSWord format, form on MBP website abstract to be sent as an MSWord attachment (not part of text)

12 Resources for students (& faculty)
Visit Check for abstracts of upcoming (and past!) seminars Additional discussion and feedback from faculty and colleagues PhD orals / public student talks Office of Research Trainees (ORT) MBP student exec (GSA), SGS resources Practice, practice, practice!

13 Evaluation - overview TB21 (Sunnybrook) or Auditorium (PM Cancer Centre), right after seminars Evaluation categories: Organization Outline, big picture, clear evidence of personal contribution Content/science clear description of methods, critical evaluation of results, science ‘content’, response to questions Presentation clarity of slides, pace, enthusiasm, speaking style

14 Evaluation – the faculty form
Organization:            □ Outlined background accurately                                                                                     /10 Indicated work’s place in the field Identified problem early in talk Described personal contributions Had coherent narrative with a logical flow Delivered appropriate abstract, on time Finished presentation on time Clear take-home message and next steps Content/Science:       □ Described methods clearly                                                                                            /10 Evaluated results critically Demonstrated significance of project Rigor of approach and conclusions Avoided jargon Answered questions calmly and clearly Presentation:             □ Slides legible and understandable                                                                                  /10 Data labeled well Appropriate amount of information on each slide Voice audible, pace reasonable, well-modulated Used audiovisual tools effectively "Sparkle" or enthusiasm Materials produced by others clearly identified and cited Evaluation – the faculty form

15 Evaluation: (1) organization (stay tuned for John’s presentation)
Outlined field Indicated where this work fits / context Described personal contributions Told a “story”, “closed the loop” Delivered suitable abstract (+ on time!:)

16 Evaluation: (2) content/science
Described methods clearly Evaluated results critically Showed some ‘real’ interesting science Avoided jargon / acronyms, TAFLAs, spoke ‘English’ Understood questions, answered clearly

17 Evaluation: (3) presentation
Clarity of slides Voice audible, pace reasonable, well modulated, spoke to the audience Used A/V tools well “Sparkle” or enthusiasm

18 Final grade Organization 0-100 Content/Science 0-100
Presentation Total (Consensus) 0-100 SGS scale: A+ = 90–100%, A = 85–89%, A– = 80–84%, B+ = 77–79%, B = 73–76%, B– = 70–72%

19 MBP 1015Y – ENJOY… Thank you ! QUESTIONS ? Giving a seminar!
Benefitting from faculty feedback! Listening to / learning from your fellow students! Thank you ! QUESTIONS ?

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