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Wardens and Treasurers Meeting

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1 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

2 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

3 Standard Bank Update Done thus far
Done thus far The costs of banking have been negotiated and have been revised, The mandate of the Diocese of Johannesburg has been consolidated. This means that all Parish Accounts that have been using Standard Bank under the Diocesan Finance Board, will now have only 5 main signatories that were nominated by the DFB. Parishes no longer need to register signatories on their accounts as all payments will now be made using the electronic system of Standard Bank (Business Online). The Diocese will manage the application and control of the tokens issued to the operators and releasers at parish level. Parishes will no longer be able to issue cheques as these are no longer deemed to be a safe form of payment. All cheque books should be returned to the Diocese office. All parishes are encouraged to make use of debit cards for purchases currently being made for cash so as to reduce the use of cash.

4 Standard Bank Update To be done
To be done The KYC (Know Your Customer) process from Standard Bank has been completed as far as possible by the Diocesan office. Completion Date is the 30th October 2017. The Cash-Management functionality is currently being finalised in a non-live environment. Parishes are requested to approach the local Standard Bank branch with their forms filled in by the designated card holder and a copy of their certified ID, as authorised by the Parish Council for their cash debit cards. Should issues arise during this process the Branch should call our Standard Bank Account Executive, Bontle Shole or the Account Analyst, Stacey Saunders. All parishes that are not fully utilising the Business Online are requested to submit their operator details to so that we prepare for the training for them. Names to be submitted by the 30th October 2017. These activities should be concluded by 30th November 2017.

5 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

6 Stipends 2018 To be tabled for approval at DFB meeting on 22 October 2017 Salient features: Overall increase expected to be in the region of 8,5 to 9% Biggest contributors are: Medical aid at about 11% Pension contribution increased from 39% of stipend to 42%, an increase of 13,3% Specific restrictions Overall increase in cost to parish expected to be in the region of 8,5% to 9% Parishes may adjust these subject to No increase if parish has a budgeted deficit No increase if an accumulated deficit (liabilities exceed assets) No increase if there is a balance owing to the Diocese with the exception of an approved building or other loan for which payments are up to date. No increase if the Diocesan Contribution is below 10% of the parish income. Any variation from these restrictions must be specifically approved in writing by the Diocesan Office with the approval of the Archdeacon

7 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

8 2017 Q3 Management Accounts (I)
This month YTD Total Last year Variance Actual Budget INCOME Diocesan Activities income Synod 25 650 26 636 Office of the Bishop 1 942 38 942 Diocesan affairs ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (29 905) Chapter income Church growth portfolio (47 330) (44 869) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Total Chapter income ( ) Trustee income Property ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Social responsibility 60 240 Total Trustee income ( ) ( ) Administration Diocesan office (62 618) (66 706) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Financing activities ( ) (87 570) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Total Administration income ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 42 421 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

9 2017 Q3 Management Accounts (E)
This month YTD Total Last year Variance Actual Budget EXPENSES Diocesan Activity expenses Synod expenses 17 848 54 966 ( ) Office of the Bishop ( ) Diocesan affairs 27 693 18 366 ( ) Province Total Diocesan Activity exps ( ) Chapter Expenses Church growth 37 334 40 532 School for ministries 96 090 (76 746) Pastoral Care Total Chapter expenses Trustees expenses Diocesan Centre Total Trustees expenses 86 451 Administration activities Administration expenses 75 856 Financing expenses 62 777 Total administration expenses Total expenses ( ) Net surplus before transfers 83 870 71 724 ( )


11 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

12 Amended structure of financial statements
The IV Manual has been updated to reflect the various changes arising from the review of last year's accounts as well as changes at Synod. The standard financial statements templates has been amended to: bring the income statement in line with the Diocesan Vision and the Bishop's charge; sort out a number of errors in formulae; simplify the layout. The wording of the Stewardship Report by the Wardens and Rector has been revised to take account of issues identified during the review of the 2017 financial statements The wording of the Independent Verifier’s report has been similarly amended

13 Revised Stewardship Report by the Rector and Churchwardens
We accept responsibility for the stewardship of the Parish and confirm that the administration and finances of the Parish have been properly managed during the past year in accordance with the Canons of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa and the Rules of our Diocese and in particular that: 1.    All income received has been properly controlled and accounted for. 1)    Income of a commercial nature and related expenditure has been separately detailed in the financial statements to assist in the return of information to SARS. 2)    It is specifically confirmed that the income and results of all groups which form part of the Parish have been included in the financial statements. 2.    All expenditure has been approved by the Parish Council and all major differences from budget have been explained and approved. 3.    A proper record of all Parish moveable assets is maintained and has been made available to the auditor or independent verifier. All these assets exist and are in good order. 4.    Proper Registers of all Parishioners, Services, Baptisms and Marriages and adequate staff and financial records have been maintained. 5.    Buildings have been properly maintained. The checklist required by the property committee of the Diocesan Trustees has been completed and has been made available to the auditor or independent verifier and has been submitted to the Diocesan Office.

14 Revised Stewardship Report by the Rector and Churchwardens
6.    We are satisfied that the buildings and assets of the Parish are adequately insured. 7.    With regard to staff, we confirm that 1)    contracts of employment complying with the standard established by the Remuneration Committee of the Diocesan Board have been entered into with all permanent lay staff; 2)    formal Memoranda of Understanding(s) (MOU) have been entered into with all clergy, have been approved by the Diocesan Executive Officer and a signed copy hace been lodged with the Diocesan Office; 3)    no emoluments of any kind have been paid to clergy, lay staff or volunteers in any way which does not conform with the laws of the country. 4)    we further confirm that all amounts paid to clergy and layworkers have been subject to taxation in accordance with the laws of the country and in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Diocese. 8.    The attached annual financial statements reported on by the Auditor or Independent Verifier correctly disclose all income and expenditure, assets and liabilities of our Parish.

15 Revised Independent Verifiers Report
I have reviewed the attached annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017, which were prepared on behalf of the Council by the Treasurer/Finance Portfolio. From my review I can confirm that these statements are in agreement with the accounting records of the parish and that in my opinion adequate records have been maintained. It is not possible to verify income before it is recorded in the records as cash received. I note the following matters which are referred to in the Stewardship Report by the Rector and Churchwardens will be brought/have been brought to the attention of the Parish Council and will be tabled at Vestry: (Include details of all such matters) I further report that the following matters have not been included in the Stewardship Report and have not been resolved to my satisfaction: Subject to the above comments, in my opinion, the attached Balance Sheet at 31 December 2017 fairly presents the financial position of the Parish at that date, and the Income & Expenditure account fairly presents the results of its activities for the year ended on that date.

16 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

17 Diocesan Administration Office
HR & Administration will be fully functional and will focus on; Leave Management; Payroll administration; and Staff contracting. Property Management will include the following areas; Administering the Insurance, Diocesan Property Management, Financial Management will focus on; Financial Administration; and Procurement Administration

18 Diocesan Administration Office

19 Wardens and Treasurers Meeting
Saturday 21st October 2017 AGENDA Welcome and Prayer Standard Bank Update Stipends 2018 2017 Q3 Management Account 2017 Financial Returns Template Discussion on Administration Closing prayer

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