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Older People in Wales NSF

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1 Older People in Wales NSF
How will we measure impact? Alan Willson Director of Research and Development ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

2 NSF –focus on outcomes Some bad habits Principles of measuring How to present data Some NSF examples
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

3 NSF – focus on outcomes Rooting out Age Discrimination
People are not discriminated against on the basis of age – either in accessing or receiving health & social care services Person Centred Care Older people receive care that is appropriate, timely, effective and seamless, reflecting their views, choices and individual needs ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

4 Promoting health and wellbeing
Improved lifestyles and secondary prevention leading to improved health and wellbeing, life expectancy and quality of life Challenging Dependency More older people supported to remain living as independently as possible within their own home / home of choice Intermediate Care Effective health and social care provided within the community wherever appropriate, thereby avoiding inappropriate or prolonged acute hospital or care home admission ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

5 Access to emergency and scheduled care within timescale targets
Hospital Care Access to emergency and scheduled care within timescale targets High quality and safe clinical and non-clinical care Stroke Fewer strokes and stroke mortalities Improved access to quality care in line with clinical guidelines Falls & Fractures Fewer falls and resultant fractures ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

6 Improved mental health and wellbeing amongst older people
Access to care and support in line with clinical and practice guidelines Medicines Older people enabled to gain maximum benefit from medication to maintain or increase their quality and duration of life More frequent medication reviews; fewer medication errors and related incidents ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

7 Some bad habits ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

8 Benchmarking ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

9 Fig leaf management ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

10 Measuring or managing? ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

11 “We don’t have the data”
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

12 Principles of measurement
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

13 Principles of measurement
Timescale ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

14 Principles of measurement
Team ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

15 Principles of measurement
Control ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

16 Principles of measurement
Timescale Team Control = Related to action ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

17 How to present data ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd


19 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

20 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

21 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

22 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

23 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

24 Improvement in Process
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

25 Improvement in Process
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

26 Some NSF examples Fewer falls and resultant fractures
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

27 Approach Agree outcome data and source
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

28 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

29 Intervention BMJ 2007;334:82 (13 January)
Strategies to prevent falls and fractures in hospitals and care homes and effect of cognitive impairment: systematic review and meta-analyses David Oliver et al ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

30 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
Agree input measure ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

31 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
Agree input measure Implement change ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

32 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
Agree input measure Implement change Chart it ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

33 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
Agree input measure Implement change Chart it Review ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

34 Challenging Dependency More older people supported to remain living as independently as possible within their own home / home of choice ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

35 Approach Agree outcome data and source Agree intervention
Agree input measure Implement change Chart it Review ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

36 What is really happening?
©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

37 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd

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