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Unit 3 British Conflict with American Colonies

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1 Unit 3 British Conflict with American Colonies
American Revolution

2 Warm Up - 03/09/17 Who fought in the French and Indian War?
What was the colonists reaction to the Albany Plan of Union?

3 Causes of the American Revolution
French and Indian War Following the French & Indian War…….. Britain most powerful nation in the world but……. Britain left deeply in debt Needed to find new ways to generate money to cover costs of operating an empire Many in England felt that the colonies should help pay down the war debt The new regulations put in place by Britain would cause severe resentment to arise in the colonies

4 Causes of the American Revolution
British claimed Americans had a duty to pay taxes for war effort Americans felt they had contributed enough Navigation Acts All goods transported on English ships Must go through English ports – even if destination is another country Goods heavily taxed – England took tax money instead of giving to colonists Colonists violate this policy – England has no way to enforce!

5 Causes of the American Revolution
Salutary Neglect 1690’s – 1760’s Britain allowed colonies to violate trade laws Left colonies alone because they were getting what they needed from the colonies End salutary neglect to enforce taxes on colonists to pay for the French and Indian War Leads to smuggling

6 Causes of the French and Indian War
Mercantilism Belief that a country should export more than it imports Based on increasing profits by controlling trade American colonies supply raw materials and serve as a market for the finished goods that had been made in England

7 Causes of the American Revolution
Sugar Act (1764) Also known as the Revenue Act Raised tax rates on sugar and molasses, also placed taxes on silk, wine, coffee, pimento, and indigo Goal: to make money for the crown Merchants accused of smuggling – presumed guilty This act violated many of the rights in the Bill of Rights of Englishmen According to Britain, colonies did not have actual representation but virtual representation

8 Causes of the American Revolution
Quartering Act – 1765 Required colonial citizens to provide room, board and food for the British soldiers stationed in the colonies

9 Causes of the American Revolution
Stamp Act New tax placed on all printed materials (newspapers, pamphlets, posters, wills, mortgages, deeds, licenses, diplomas, and playing cards.) This was the first direct tax placed upon colonies Groups, like the Sons of Liberty, organized demonstrations against the Stamp Act Boycott British goods Patrick Henry Accused the British govn’t of violating their rights only those who represent the colonies in Parliament can impose taxes “No taxation without representation!” Colonists want representatives in England’s Parliament to vote on taxes

10 Causes of the American Revolution
Stamp Act Congress October 1765 Delegates from 9 colonies met in New York Declaration of Rights and Grievances Drafted by John Dickinson (DE) Only colonial assemblies have the right to tax Sent to King George III

11 Causes of the American Revolution
Townshend Acts Placed new customs duties on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea imported by the colonies Intended to punish the rebellious colonists Used to pay salaries of officials in colonies To enforce this act, officers and soldiers given writs of assistance, or search warrants Allowed them to enter homes or business whenever they chose to search for evidence of smuggling Colonists react – boycott British goods again

12 THE BOSTON MASSACRE Boston Massacre
By the fall of 1768, the colonies were outraged Additional troops brought in from England to protect customs agents against harassment March 5, 1770 Angry Bostonians begin throwing snowballs at British troops Crowds of people join in, more troops called in Shots are fired 3 killed instantly, 2 would die later, and 6 colonists wounded Townshend Acts repealed (except tax on tea) Used to turn sentiment against British


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