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3 Multi-Generational Vision
What good is it to cultivate manliness in ourselves or in our sons if it dies out within one or two generations? We cannot spend a lifetime working on something that lasts no longer than that! Creating a culture of biblical men is only possible if that vision in perpetuated generation to generation.

4 Multi-Generational Vision
Furthermore, imagine the impact such vision would have on young men. To know that what they are being taught by their fathers is a generational heritage that has been faithfully handed down and carefully guarded. An inheritance of biblical manliness is more valuable than any material inheritance.

5 Deuteronomy 4:9 Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which you eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.

6 Psalm 78:5-8 For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments, and not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not prepare its heart and whose spirit was not faithful to God.

7 Joel 1:2-3 Hear this, O elders, and listen, all inhabitants of the land. Has anything like this happened in your days or in your fathers’ days? Tell your sons about it, and let your sons tell their sons and their sons the next generation.

8 This is a hard thing! In the books of Kings and Chronicles, not one of the godly rulers of Judah passed his faithfulness on to his son. Most generational visions all throughout history have had very short lifespans.

9 BUT… Every once in awhile, they succeed. Often, the vision is not formalized. Often each generation may not be looking farther then the next one or two. But as the stories and the lessons and the truths are faithfully passed from father to son, the vision spreads.

10 A Challenge… Most families do not have a generational heritage of godliness. Many times, wisdom is not passed down. Fathers and sons, grandfathers and grandsons have broken relationships or have been separated by distance, disinterest, or the early death of the older generation.

11 A Challenge… But with the fathers and sons in this room, brand new generational visions can begin. Though none will be perfect, they have no hope if at least one generation does not commit itself to building them.

12 HOW?


14 Examples The best way for me to talk about successfully building a multi-generational vision of manliness is to share success stories. But not the success stories of Rechabites, Guinnesses, and Bachs. Rather the success stories of the visions of families I am much more familiar with.

15 Wilsons Sometime in the 1700s, four brothers bearing the name Wilson immigrated to New York City from bonnie Scotland. Within a few years, the brothers parted ways (like good Wilsons, they probably couldn’t get along). One brother journeyed toward the central Mississippi River valley.

16 Wilsons Francis M. Wilson (b. 1836, Sedalia, MO)
Frank Wilson (b. ?, Sedalia, MO) Wilbur W. Wilson (b. 1908, Oklahoma) Edgar B. Wilson (b. 1938, Bridgecreek, OK) Ronald J. Wilson (b. 1962, OKC, OK) Colton T. Wilson (b. 1988, Blanchard, OK)

17 W.W.

18 The Wilson Heritage The primary legacy of the Wilson heritage of manliness has been work ethic, a trait which has been trained into and passed down through every generation. It is a work ethic like no other; it is of a nature that permeates every facet of our existence.

19 The Wilson Heritage Stories are handed down.
Working hard from a young age. Continual interaction with previous generations. Sharing of past experience, lessons learned, and God’s providence. Challenges and encouragement Teaching through deed and words, not just about work, but all areas of life and faith.

20 Wilson men… Make it happen Do it the right way.
Look at life real simple. Never let justice go unserved. Have intestinal fortitude. Start first and quit last. Are always working. Do not tolerate excuses. Build more Wilson men.

21 William Earl Rolen

22 Alvin Rolen

23 William Bowles

24 Lloyal S. Berglan









33 Bill Berglan

34 Harold McDonald

35 The Sum of this Vision Work ethic
Relationship with God, a love of His Word, the will to follow Him no matter the cost. The value of family Unforgettable stories and pictures Everything I am, everything I have

36 Keys to Generational Vision
Biblical fathers and grandfathers Close-knit intergenerational relationships Grandfathers, fathers, and sons working together Continuous storytelling, recalling the providences of God, instructing, challenging, encouraging, vision-casting, and remembering. Building upon the success of past generations.

37 Goals for the Future The vision will be more defined and far-reaching than in past generations. The work ethic and the faith of the past generations will be passed on indefinitely. The old stories and pictures will continue to be shared and new ones added to them. The mistakes of the past will not be repeated, the successes will long be remembered. The glory of the next four generations will outshine that of the past four.

38 What about the young men in this room?
What will YOU do?


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