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Madison Fenerty-Ziehr Computers 8

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1 Madison Fenerty-Ziehr Computers 8
Whats up with Nutrition . Madison Fenerty-Ziehr Computers 8

2 Carbohydrates They provide energy for the body
. Carbohydrates They provide energy for the body Kids and adults need them Foods that break down and become energy 2 types: -Simple (Sugars) Sources: fruits, vegetables, candy etc… -Complex (Starches) Sources: bread, pasta, rice etc…

3 Fats Help for brain and nervous systems to develop Fats can be healthy
. Fats Help for brain and nervous systems to develop Fats can be healthy An important part of a healthy diet 3 types: -Unsaturated fats Sources: olive oil, canola oil, salmon etc. -Saturated fats Sources: butter, cheese, milk (except skim) etc. -Trans fats Sources: snack foods, baked goods, fried foods etc.

4 Protein -Complete protein
. Protein Builds up and maintains the tissue in your body Muscles, organs and immune system make of protein You use it to make protein molecules 2 types -Complete protein Sources: meat and milk -Incomplete protein Source: vegetables

5 Fiber -Water soluble Helps your digestive system work properly
. Fiber Helps your digestive system work properly Can help prevent diabetes and heart disease Very important part of your diet 2 types -Water soluble Sources: oat bran, legumes, beans etc. -Insoluble Sources: cereals, bran and veggies

6 Vitamins Your body needs them to work properly
. Vitamins Your body needs them to work properly You need all the vitamins e.g.. A,B,C,E and K Fat soluble & water soluble are the two types 2 types -Fat soluble Sources: vitamins A, D, E & K -water soluble Sources: B complex and C vitamins

7 Minerals Help your body grow, develop and stay healthy
. Help your body grow, develop and stay healthy Some used to maintain a normal heartbeat Body uses them to perform daily functions 2 types -Macro minerals Sources: calcium, sodium, potassium etc. -Trace minerals Sources: iron, zinc, copper etc.

8 Water Need it so your body works properly
. Water Need it so your body works properly Any fluid you drink will contain water When your body doesn’t have enough you get dehydrated There are no types of water

9 Bibliography

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