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Protecting staff and ethical transaction

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting staff and ethical transaction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting staff and ethical transaction
September 2016

2 Why now We should always remind staff of responsibilities
We are seeking to devolve more As we grow we need to make sure staff are aware Transactions are getting more complex

3 Anti-Bribery Policy: Staff must not offer, promise or pay bribes
request, agree to or accept bribes A ‘bribe’ includes money, gifts, hospitality or any other payment, advantage or favour.

4 Staff must: Avoid any activity that risks a breach Assess the vulnerability of activities to corruption on an ongoing basis Notify their manager and the University Secretary asap if they believe or suspect that a conflict with this policy has occurred, or may occur.

5 Staff must Undertake the online Anti-Bribery mandatory training Undertake the finance for non financial managers training, as appropriate

6 Any University employee who breaches the policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct

7 Staff Interest Policy All staff, regardless of position or seniority, are under a duty to disclose interests to ensure the University acts in a manner which is honest, ethical and transparent.

8 Staff must Declare an interest if they have a pecuniary, family or other personal interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, or proposed contract, entered into on behalf of the University or a subsidiary “Family” includes spouse or partner; (step) siblings; (step) children; (step) parents; (step) grandparents, (step) grandchildren, (step) cousins; (step) aunts and uncles

9 Staff must ensure they take care not to solicit or recommend any person for employment by the University or for admission to it, other than through the proper procedures and must disclose if a candidate is related to them when providing references.

10 Staff must not do any work, enter into any transaction or do anything else that may be affected by the interest until a decision has been made by the University Secretary.

11 Senior staff must complete a declaration of interests form to identify any potential conflicts of interest and to maintain the University’s annual register of interests. (From October 2016, this will be required of all staff)

12 Staff members who fail to declare interests may risk having decisions overturned, and may face disciplinary proceedings.

13 Student and Staff data Can only be held on University servers or systems formally approved by the University Secretary Cannot be released to third parties without the approval of the Academic Registrar or University Secretary.

14 Anti-Bribery and Staff Interests Please read, understand and comply with the policies:

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