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Why Did My Savior Come to Earth? A Study of the Death of Jesus Christ

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1 Why Did My Savior Come to Earth? A Study of the Death of Jesus Christ

2 A Suffering Death – Hebrews 2:9
He did not die a natural, peaceful death He did not avoid a painful death (Mt. 20:18-19; 27:26,34,40-42; Mk. 15:15,23,30-32) He died on a shameful, cruel, painful cross (Isa. 53:4-5; Jn. 12:32-33; 18:32; 19:17; Cor. 1:17-18,23; Gal. 3:13; 5:11; Phil. 2:8; Heb. 12:2; 13:12) He died a cruel death voluntarily (Jn. 10:17) and innocently (Acts 13:28; Mt. 27:4,24)

3 A Saving Death – 1 John 2:2 He died for all mankind (Jn. 11:50-51; 18:14; 1 Thess. 5:10; Rev. 5:6-12; 13:8) He died because of love (Jn. 3:16; 15:13) He died to save us from the penalty of sin (Mt. 20:28; Rom. 3:25; 5:6-21; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:14-21; Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:2,19; 2:24; Rev. 1:5; 7:14; 12:11) He died to bring mankind together with God and each other (Eph. 2:13-16; Col. 1:14,20,22; 2:14)

4 A Saving Death – 1 John 2:2 He died to purchase a church that is holy (Ac. 20:28; Eph. 1:4; 5:27; Col. 1:22; Heb. 2:11) He died to dedicate a new covenant (Mt. 26:28; Mk. 14:24; Lk. 22:20; Heb. 9:12- 22; 10:19; 12:24; 13:20) He died to destroy the Devil and his power over death (1 Cor. 15:54-57; Heb. 2:14-15)

5 A Sample Death – 1 Peter 2:21-25
We must die the death of Jesus (Jn. 12:24-26; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; Col. 2:20; 3:3; 2 Tim. 2:11) We must die to sin (Rom. 6:1-11; Gal. 5:24) We must die daily (1 Cor. 15:31; Cor. 4:10-12; 5:14-15; 6:9) We must take up our cross daily (Mt. 10:38; 16:24; Mk. 8:34; 10:21; Lk. 9:23; 14:27; Gal. 6:12-14; Phil. 3:18)

6 A Sermon Death – 1 Cor. 1:18 We must preach his death (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2) We must proclaim his death (1 Cor. 10:16; 11:25-27) We must draw upon his death in time of need (Heb. 2:17-18; 4:15-16)

7 The Death of Jesus Christ
It was… A suffering death A saving death A sample death A sermon death Are you willing to apply the blood of Jesus’ death in order to be saved (Rom. 6:3-4; 1 Jn. 1:7-9)? Or, did Christ die in vain for you (Gal. 2:21; Heb. 10:29)?

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