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2016 Citizen Satisfaction Survey

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1 2016 Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Town of Hinton 2016 Citizen Satisfaction Survey © 2016 Ipsos.  All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos.

2 Why Citizen Surveys Matter.
Overview Why Citizen Surveys Matter. The opportunity to layer science into on-going feedback that the Town of Hinton receives from citizens. The opportunity to explore the connections between different views and perspectives. Performance Management | Within the organization and against normative measures. To demonstrate publicly that the Town of Hinton is considering/integrating citizen input into the decision-making process.

3 Methodology Ipsos conducted a telephone survey with a randomly selected sample of 300 residents of the Town of Hinton aged 18 years or older between September 14th and 21th, 2016, using cell phone (30%) and landline (70%) sample. The average interview length was 21 minutes. The final data were weighted to ensure the overall sample’s age and gender composition reflects that of the actual Town of Hinton population aged 18 or older according to 2011 Federal Census data. With a sample of 300, results are considered accurate to within ±5.6 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire population of the Town of Hinton aged 18 or older been polled.

4 Citizen Survey Results Overview

5 Quality of Life 90% 13% 29% Citizen Survey Results Overview
% of residents who rate quality of life in Hinton as good (top 2 box) % of residents who say quality of life has improved (Over the last 3 years) % of residents who say quality of life has worsened

6 Satisfaction with Town Council and Administration
Citizen Survey Results Overview Satisfaction with Town Council and Administration Administration, excluding Council 78% Council, excluding Administration 76% Both Council and Administration 77%

7 Views About Growth in Hinton
Citizen Survey Results Overview Views About Growth in Hinton The Town of Hinton keeps citizens informed about how it plans to deal with growth 56% The Town of Hinton does a good job managing the level of development and growth in Hinton 52% There is currently enough affordable housing in Hinton to meet residents’ needs 28%

8 Issue Agenda 2013 Total Mentions 18% 21% 23% 15% 14% 3% 9% 5% 13% 2%
Mentions <3% not shown ** Rounding Data <3% not labelled 1.In your view, as a resident of Hinton, what is the most important issue facing your community, that is the one issue you feel should receive the greatest attention from your local leaders? Are there any other important local issues? Base: 2016 (n=300); 2013 (n=300)

9 Satisfaction – Overall Level and Quality of Town Services
Citizen Survey Results Overview Satisfaction – Overall Level and Quality of Town Services 74% Satisfied (top 4 box)

10 Importance – Top Rated Services
Citizen Survey Results Overview Importance – Top Rated Services Street cleaning including snow & ice removal 100% RCMP 100% Fire Services 100% Public Works 100% Garbage & Recycling Services 99%

11 Satisfaction – Top Rated Services
Citizen Survey Results Overview Satisfaction – Top Rated Services Fire Services 98% Public Works 95% Outdoor recreational amenities 94% RCMP 91% Public Transit 89%

12 Investment – Top Services (more)
Citizen Survey Results Overview Investment – Top Services (more) Socials services for seniors and youth 67% Indoor Recreation Facilities 65% Street cleaning including snow and ice removal 64% Affordable Housing 61% Indoor Recreational Programs 56%

13 Importance vs. Satisfaction Grid
Primary Weakness Primary Strength IMPORTANCE Secondary Weakness Secondary Strength SATISFACTION 7.A/B Base: 2016 (n=300)

14 Perceived Value of Tax Dollars
Good Value 72% Poor Value 27% Good Value 65% Poor Value 34% 8. Thinking about all the programs and services you receive from the Town of Hinton, would you say that overall you get good value or poor value for your tax dollars? (Is that very or fairly good/poor value?) Base: 2016 (n=300); 2013 (n=300)

15 Balancing Taxation and Service Delivery Levels
Increase Taxes 2016 58% 2013 57% Cut Services 2016 37% 2013 27% 8b. Municipal property taxes are the primary way to pay for services provided by the Town of Hinton. Due to the increased cost of maintaining current service levels and infrastructure, the Town of Hinton must balance taxation and service delivery levels. To deal with this situation, which one of the following four options would you most like the Town of Hinton to pursue? Base: 2016 (n=300); 2013 (n=300)

16 Attitudes about Town Communication & Customer Service
Citizen Survey Results Overview Attitudes about Town Communication & Customer Service 73% % of citizens who provide a good rating about the effectiveness of how the Town communicates with citizens (top 2 box agree) 78% % of citizens who are satisfied with the overall service received from the Town (top 2 box agree) 90%+ % of citizens who say that the Town’s website is easy to find and helpful (top 2 box agree)

17 Highlights Perceptions of the quality of life in Hinton are extremely positive. Social issues; Parks, recreation and culture; and, the Economy top the issue agenda for the second time. Overall customer service and communications continue to receive strong marks. The Town of Hinton’s performance ratings have increased notably since 2013. Affordable housing continues to be an important issue to citizens of Hinton.

18 Thank You Jamie Duncan Ashley Vogeli Vice President Account Manager
Ashley Vogeli Account Manager

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