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TE521 Information Theory & Error Control Coding

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1 TE521 Information Theory & Error Control Coding

2 Md. Asif Hossain Assistant Professor, ECE Dept. EWU
Ph.D. (on process) in Wireless Communication, Jahangirnagar University. M.B.A. in Marketing, East West University. M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering, East West University (Gold Medal). B.Sc. in Information & Communications Engineering, East West University (Gold Medal).

3 Class Time Section Day Time Room No 1 (Theory) M 06:30-09:40 436
Office Hours: Day Time Sunday 02:00-03:00 Monday 04:50-06:20 Tuesday 01:45-03:00 Wednesday Thursday 10:10-01:10

4 Objective: • Basic concepts of information theory
• Elements of sets theory and probability theory • Measure of information and uncertainty. Entropy • Basic concepts of communication channels organization • Basic principles of encoding • Error-detecting and error-correcting codes • Basic concepts of Cryptography

5 Course Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: • Understand and explain the basic concepts of information theory, source coding, channel and channel capacity, channel coding- decoding and relation among them. • Describe the real life applications based on the fundamental theory. • Calculate entropy, channel capacity, bit error rate, code rate and so on. • Understand the basic concepts of cryptography. • Conduct research works in this field.

6 Tentative Course Outline & Lecture Plan:
Term 1 Information Theory: Uncertainty, information and entropy; Source coding theorem Huffman coding LZ78 coding & Decoding LZW coding & Decoding RLE coding Shannon-Fano coding Discrete memoryless channels; Mutual information Channel capacity Information capacity theorem 

7 Tentative Course Outline & Lecture Plan:
Term 2 Error Control Coding: Introduction to error control coding Channel coding theorem Linear Block coding and decoding – algebraic Cyclic and RS codes Performance of block codes Convolutional coding State diagram, Trellis diagram etc

8 Tentative Course Outline & Lecture Plan:
Final Term Sequential and Viterbi decoding Turbo codes TCM Image compression techniques like ‘jpeg’. Sound compression techniques like ‘mp3’. Cryptography: Idea of cryptography.

9 Text Books: • Communication Systems, Haykin, Simon, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y • Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Ranjan Bose, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Reference: • Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems, B.P Lathi. Oxford University Press, USA

10 Exam Schedule: Term 1 Exam Date : February 13, 2017
Term 2 Exam Date : March 13, 2017 Final Exam Date : April 17, 2017

11 Score Distribution Quiz 10% Term 1 Exam 25% Term 2 Exam 25%
Assignment % Term Final Exam %

12 Special Instructions:
Make-up test will not be taken. Unavoidable circumstances like serious illness might be considered but the student must notify his/her course instructor within 48hrs of the commencement of the exam. The make-up exam set at a later date will be much harder, as he/she will get more time to study. So students are advised to avoid it. EWU is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the Code of conducts of EWU and avoid any behavior which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University. Don’t write anything on the wall or in the chair of the classroom. You can’t keep mobile/Tab/smart watch or any other electronic gadgets (either it switched off or in silent/airplane mode) phone during exam. Student who will be in ‘defaulter list’ will not be allowed to participate in the classes and in the exams.

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