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Gary Burnett Ian Miller

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1 Gary Burnett Ian Miller
Key Stage 2 Maths Workshop Gary Burnett Ian Miller Katharine McMeekan

2 WELCOME! Explanation of how Maths is taught in school Mental Maths
Written Methods Suggestions for how you could support your child at home

3 Supporting your child at home
Little and often! Casual, not formal is often best. Unless there is a specific need. As part of everyday conversations.

4 When shopping… £ Looking at prices £ Counting change – which coins,
different combinations. £ Reading labels on bottles, packets, in order to discuss capacity, weight, length and shape. £ Weighing items at the supermarket. £ Calculating fractions of quantities when choosing items at the supermarket. £ Estimating the final bill at the end of shopping while waiting at the checkout. £ Calculating the cost of the family going to the cinema, swimming baths, etc.

5 Time…  Looking at the clock – identify the numbers telling the time using analogue and digital clocks.  Calculating how long a journey will take looking at train/bus/airline timetables.  Using TV guide to calculate the length of programmes.  Programming the video or the microwave.  Looking at the posting times on the post box.  Discussing events in the day e.g. teatime, bed time, bath time.  Setting an alarm clock.

6 Using websites…
Lots of examples, some listed in the booklet Depending on how this is managed, it can be fun rather than work!

7 Any Questions?

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