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Conclusions Against the Clock!

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1 Conclusions Against the Clock!
Higher & Int. 2 English Conclusions Against the Clock!

2 Conclusions Conclusions are very important
They are your last word to the examiner They enable you to address “the text as a whole” in relation to the essay question

3 What Should a Conclusion Include?
Reference to the essay question Recap of the main points of your argument Detailed personal response tie the main thrust of the essay question back to “the text as a whole” and the insights you have gained from close study of it

4 Example Therefore, Shakespeare’s engaging play ‘Macbeth’ clearly presents a character who is in conflict with the society in which he lives. As I have shown, Macbeth’s conflict with his society steadily builds, leading to his eventual death. Macbeth’s isolation is one of the most moving aspects of the text as a whole; it also highlights the themes of the destructive nature of ambition and the place of the supernnatural. From this play I have gained a deeper awareness of the fact that ‘vaulting ambition’ can be dangerous and ultimately fatal.

5 Practice Here are the two essay questions.
First of all you should plan each question. You have 10 minutes in total to do this I will then give you 6 minutes (total) to write conclusions for these essays.

6 Thursday you return – 2 Essays Back-to-Back NO NOTES
Drama Choose a character who becomes increasingly cut off from those around him or her. Show how the dramatist makes the character’s growing separation from others clear to you. Poetry Choose a poem which arouses your anger about an aspect of society. Show how the poet uses the ideas and language of the poem to achieve this effect.

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