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Class: Osteichthyes 23,000 species

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1 Class: Osteichthyes 23,000 species
Notes:Bony Fish Class: Osteichthyes 23,000 species

2 Basic Facts Have a swim bladder which can be inflated or deflated to change position in the water. They have a terminal mouth. The gills are covered by an operculum (gill covering). Oviparous, external fertilization.

3 Oxygen exchange

4 Body Shape the body plan of a fish directly relates to its lifestyle.
1. Streamlined – fast swimmers 2. Laterally flattened – bottom dweller Tuna Flounder

5 Body Shape, cont’d 3. Eel-like bodies-live among rocks or vegetation
4. Vertical plane fish – sea horse (slow swimming) Morea eel Yellow Sea horse

6 Coloration colored pigments are found in special cells called chromatophores. 1. Warning coloration – using color to advertise that you are dangerous. (lionfish spines ) 2. Cryptic coloration – blending with the environment to deceive predators. (Rockfish)

7 Coloration, cont’d. 3. Disruptive coloration – the presence of color, stripes, bars or spots to break up the outline of a fish. 4. Countershading – light on the bottom/dark on top

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