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Web section best practice checklist for departments

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1 Web section best practice checklist for departments
Abigail Parris Digital Communications Officer

2 Introduction Department web sections are an important part of the College’s external website. Ideally, they should express the individuality of the department, but also be consistent with the rest of the website so as not to produce a jarring effect on user experience. This checklist will help you do a quick ‘health check’ of a department web section to see how it could be optimised according to best practice; improving the way it looks, how it performs and how clear it is to users.

3 Starter questions When starting a web section review be sure to ask the following questions: Does the section have a homepage that highlights the department’s unique selling points and directs them to key pages? Does the section structure make sense? Can web users find the most important pages at the top level of the menu? Is the content audience-focused? Will they understand your content (avoid jargon) and find the information they require easily? Does the section contain calls-to-action to guide navigation to key pages?

4 Content

5 Content Web content is why users come to your web section. It conveys who the department is and what they do, but also services the needs of the visitor. Visitors are typically time poor, so be sure to create engaging, succinct, direct content that can be taken in at a glance.

6 Content Adopt the following key features to optimise content:
Big, attractive image at top Bullet points break up text Headings to make scanning easier

7 Content Also consider:
Have personal pronouns been used to create a friendlier tone? Has simple language and short sentences been used? Do all the hyperlinks work? Links that go to error pages will have a negative impact on your Google ranking and frustrate users. Are the hyperlinks clearly items and/or actions? E.g.. ‘Stay up to date with changes across campus by visiting our Estate Plan web pages.’ These can be easily found and identified on a page. Avoid vague hyperlinks like ‘Click here for more information’. Has ‘RHUL’ been used in the copy? Replace with ‘Royal Holloway’ or ‘the College’ depending on context.

8 Images

9 Images The correct use of good images can vastly improve the user experience of a web section. They can convey information, engage attention and stir feelings; all in a few seconds. However, bad imagery and overuse of imagery can have an adverse effect on user experience.

10 Images Conveys what the page is about
Impactful - creates positive emotions Original imagery High in quality and resolution

11 Images Also consider: Can the images on the page be used without risk of copyright infringement? You can find copyright-free images in the image library: or ask your Comms manager for stock images Are there any appropriate infographics that can be used on the page to highlight a department strength? If there are images within the page, are they aligned right and embedded in the content?

12 Layout

13 Layout If you have good content and good imagery, you just need a good layout to pull it all together. An optimised layout will ensure users can navigate your section easily and find the information they are looking for.

14 Layout Consistent use of clear headings
Call-to-actions to other content Approved component directing users to other sections Regular use of paragraphs

15 Layout Also consider: Have approved components been used? See approved component list. Are they used consistently across the section? If the department has FAQs are they in the correct format? They should be in the FAQ module so they are optimised for search. Are events listings in the correct format? They should be in an event listing and not drop-down boxes.

16 What next? If you want to make small adjustments to your web section you can do it directly, if you have access to Contensis and have had approved training. If you don’t have access you can contact a colleague that does and ask them to help. If planned changes are more extensive, or you are unsure how to optimise the section, please contact your faculty communications manager for assistance.

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