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Practices and Experiences in Navigating the IT Pipeline as Women

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Presentation on theme: "Practices and Experiences in Navigating the IT Pipeline as Women"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practices and Experiences in Navigating the IT Pipeline as Women
Amy Diehl • Melaine Kenyon Deborah Keyek-Franssen Beth Schaefer • Bernadette Williams

2 objectives Identify positive practices Identify barriers
Plan to pay-it-forward

3 We want to hear what you have to say! Today’s meet for questions Round Two What barriers or challenges have you faced and maybe even overcome in your career? Are there any that were more difficult because of your gender? Round Three Are there enough women in IT? Women leaders in IT? Why or why not? If not, what are you doing to get more women in IT? What seems to be working or not?

4 Resources

5 Learn about unconscious bias—the schema by which each and every one of us make decisions about the world and about people. Check out and the

6 Learn about unconscious bias—the schema by which each and every one of us make decisions about the world and about people. Check out as a conversation starter. Results are not as important as how they stimulate discussion, awareness, and behavioral changes. Even people who aren’t overtly racist have implicit biases against certain groups. I, for one, have an implicit bias that women should be at home and not working.

7 Critical listening guide
Learn to listen critically for comments that are about fixing women, or that assume all women exhibit characteristics based only on their chromosomes, or that attempt to marginalize a topic or a problem or a solution as a women’s issue.

8 Job description rewrite
Avoid extreme modifiers, gender-specific pronouns Required means required Clump! Look for subtle biases in language Textio is your friend!


10 Shine theory or amplification; foundation in mutual female support and promotes women lifting other women up; yes, what she said! Men and women can use amplification strategies. Opposite of mansplaining.


12 WHAT’S NEXT? What’s one thing you will do different?
Sign up for the Women in IT listserv search women Look for an in one month Questions from audience What will you do, panelists? What will you do, audience?

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