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IT 130 The Internet and The Web

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Presentation on theme: "IT 130 The Internet and The Web"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT 130 The Internet and The Web
Professor Robin Burke

2 Outline Introduction to the course Using shrike Homework #1
Crash course on Unix Homework #1

3 Information Professor Robin Burke Office: CST 453 – CTI building
Phone: Office hours: before and after class 10:00 – 11:30 and 1:30 – 3:00 Also by appointment!

4 Resources Course web site Course On-Line
courses/f04/it130/ Course On-Line for submitting homework for discussion forum

5 Course Overview Following the book pretty closely Aims Technology
HTML and JavaScript Competencies Formal languages Programming Internet software Ideas distributed computing user-centered design

6 Assessment 8 assignments 5 quizzes Portfolio more or less weekly 30%
10 min. beginning of class Portfolio Corrected homework, compiled 40%

7 Late policy Homework due before class Up to 2 days late Examples
10% penalty per day Typically due Wednesdays Examples Wednesday 1:00 pm (-10%) Thursday 9 am (-10%) Thursday midnight (-20%) Friday noon (not accepted)

8 Grading rubric Components For each part Knowledge Reasoning
Communication For each part A: Excellent work. B: Very good work. C: Average work. D: Below average work:

9 Academic Integrity Acts of plagiarism or cheating will not be accepted – any violation of the academic integrity policy will be punished and may result in an “F” grade. Plagiarism & cheating include (but are not limited to) Direct copying of any source without proper acknowledgement. You may only use code that you did not write if given permission by the instructor to do so. Code so used must be clearly cited. Pictures or text copied by other websites are acceptable, as long as proper acknowledgment is specified. Using material prepared for other purpose, e.g. submissions for other courses Submitting work prepared by someone else or copying material from someone else. Refer to the course information & the DePaul University academic integrity policy

10 What you need Texts Materials
Reed, D., A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science. Materials Diskettes to store work Unix account on (shrike)

11 Shrike account Shrike Verify your user id and password ASAP aka Verify your user id and password ASAP Contact ID card services DePaul Center 9700, SAC 182

12 What is the Internet The Internet is an interconnected network of thousands of networks and computers. ( “inter-network”) Began in the 1960s as a Department of Defense project The World Wide Web is just one of the services that run on the Internet.

13 Web Interaction

14 What is the Internet The Internet is an interconnected network of thousands of networks and computers. ( “inter-network”) Began in the 1960s as a Department of Defense project The World Wide Web is just one of the services that run on the Internet.

15 Uniform resource locator
The Web uses a naming convention called the uniform resource locator (URL). A URL consists of at least two and as many as four parts. A simple two part URL contains the protocol used to access the resource followed by the location of the resource. Example: A more complex URL may have a file name and a path where the file can be found.

16 A Web URL deconstructed
The protocol used document name domain The user has a directory in the system path that identifies location of document uniquely

17 Tools for building and maintaining your web site a server computer running the Apache web server Various programs for site building telnet: run commands on shrike ftp: move files to and from shrike browser: for viewing your files text editor: for working with HTML files

18 Internet Tools your web computer text page "client" editor FTP
shrike "server" web browser web browser

19 FTP File Transfer Protocol. Filenames may change slightly
Allows for the transfer of files between a local and a remote machines. The machines do not have to use the same operating system. Filenames may change slightly when the file is transferred (upper case becomes lower case) Be careful when using it to move files to students, since UNIX is a case sensitive OS

20 File naming advice No spaces All lower case my-web-page.html
not “my web page.html” All lower case not “My-Web-page.html”

21 FTP with a browser To use a browser as an interface with FTP:
Make sure you are connected to the Internet Type in the address bar of the browser This should bring up a window that prompts you for your password. Type in your password and hit enter. The files in your main directory will appear.

22 FTP with a browser (cont)
What if it doesn’t work? Make sure you are connected to the Internet Click on the Tools button of IE Click on Internet Options Click on the Advanced tab Scroll down the Browsing options and select Enable folder view for FTP sites

23 FTP with a browser (cont.)
To browse a file/open a folder: double click on it To rename it: right click on it and choose rename To transfer files from your desktop to a directory in your shrike account (or viceversa): Navigate to the directories where the files are Click on the file on your desktop (shrike) And drag it to the folder on shrike (desktop) To move files within the same machine, click and drag to the desired location

24 FTP with a browser (cont)
You can use an FTP session to create a directory on your students account: Click on the File drop-down menu Select New – Folder Type in the name you want your directory to have

25 “Public” directory A web server typically requires that any web pages
that are to be published on the site must be located in a particular directory. On (and most Unix servers) web pages must be located in the directory named public_html. All your web pages must be in public_html ( or subdirectories within public_html) or they will not be visible to browsers.

26 Create your public_html directory
Connect via FTP to the server Right-click select "New" and "Folder" name the folder "public_html" Important set permissions readable by all "executable" by all

27 Example

28 File permissions on Unix
There are 3 types of permission that can be set on files: Read (r, 4): This allows the file to be "read-only" by people with the appropriate permission Write (w, 2): This allows people with the appropriate permission to write to, and change the files Execute (x, 1): This allows others to execute (run) these files, or navigate directories, if they have permission to The web server is like another user of the computer if it can't read the file, it can't distribute it over the web if it can't navigate the directory, it can't find the files inside

29 Viewing your pages Once you have created a public_html directory, FTP-ed all HTML files, and set the correct permission, to view the files: Connect to the Internet Open a browser Type: Example (different server) courses/f03/ect270/hwk/carrots.jpg

30 I have done everything you told me to do but my picture is not showing up …
Before you fire a distress to the prof: Make sure the URL is correct Did you misspell your userID? Did you forget the ~? Does the filename match (including upper/lower case) the filename on shrike? Check the permission of the file and of the public_html directory Have you refreshed your browser since the last correction?

31 What's wrong? ect270/hwk/Carrots.jpg ect270/hwk/carrots.jpg ect270/hwk/carrots.jpg ect270/carrots.jpg ect270/hwk/carrots3.jpg ect270/hwk/TEST/carrots.jpg

32 Assignment #1 Set up your account on shrike to serve web pages
Store an image file in your public_html area Submit the working URL On COL, put the full URL in the comment area

33 Next class Lab Reading: Reed, Ch. 3

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