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Introduction & overview

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1 Introduction & overview
Requisitions Certification Program

2 Certification Program
PPS - Requisitions Why do you complete a requisition. There are two ways to complete a requisition. Banner Admin and SSB Each has its cheerleaders! SSB cannot be used if there are more than one funding source SSB - Banner Admin - Certification Program

3 Certification Program
PPS – SSB Requisitions SSB Log into AU Access Select Finance Tab Select SSB Circle Select Requisition Enter Vendor ID and Validate Enter Requestor Information Click on Document Text and Enter Information Enter Commodity Description, U/M, Quantity, Unit Price and any Discounts (Note – this is total discount not individual) Verify Calculated Commodity Amounts Enter Financial Information Validate and Complete Certification Program

4 Certification Program
PPS – SSB Requisitions Once this information has been completed (Print Copy) with copy of quote You will receive confirmation once the Purchase Order has been issued Helpful Hints Different Folders for Requisitions and PO’s Haven’t heard anything check View Document in SSB – Finance Tab in PPS to verify that all approvals have been completed. Follow Through with PPS if needed (Tonya Hollis and Cynthia Caldwell Jackson Follow up with PI or others as necessary Certification Program

5 Certification Program
SSB - Requisitions Each Dean, Director, or Department Head may serve as the Accountable Officer or may delegate that responsibility to a full-time staff member. The Accountable Officer is responsible for seeing that University equipment is acquired, inventoried, accounted for and ultimately disposed of according to University policy and procedures. Each AU department is responsible for all property or equipment that is in its custody. Certification Program

6 Certification Program
PPS Requisitions Once an “Equipment” Purchase has been made (Over 5K), It must be tagged by Property Services. If the equipment is not on campus – it may be tagged on site. If a purchase via requisition/purchase order and the invoice that was received is different – a change must be made via Purchase Change Order. ( Fill out information with Signatures and submit to (Tonya Hollis) to be routed to the right buyer. Once the order has been received, invoiced, and paid Close Purchase Order by sending to Requisition via Tonya Hollis. Certification Program

7 Certification Program
CONTACTS Purchasing Procurement Services (Requisition) Main Number Cynthia Caldwell Jackson Tonya Hollis Antisha Felton Fax Strategic Sourcing Analysts (Buyers) Beth Owen John Corgill Matt Pike Certification Program

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