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Criteria 10 Sees diversity in cultures as God

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Presentation on theme: "Criteria 10 Sees diversity in cultures as God"— Presentation transcript:

1 Criteria 10 Sees diversity in cultures as God
given and understands the need to contextualize ideas and methods

2 Goals To understand a biblical perspective on culture
To be weary of undetected ethnocentrism, and how their own culture has affected their view of the Bible and world (Jonah) To understand the principle of contextualization To be aware of the UPG’s perspective on the Han Chinese

3 Understand a biblical perspective on culture
Culture - Integrated systems of beliefs, feelings, and values, and their associated symbols, patters of behavior and products shared by a group of people.

4 Understand a biblical perspective on culture
Where do all of the different cultures, languages, peoples on the earth come from? Gen 11:1-9

5 Ethnocentrism Jonah 1:1-5, 12-17, 2:10, 3:1-5, 10, 4:1-2
How can we avoid this ethnocentric, self-exalting attitude?

6 Contextualization Contextualization – In order to help the locals more easily understand and receive the gospel, we are willing to modify the… starting point of the gospel the method of sharing the gospel our worship forms, according to their worldview.

7 Contextualization 1.The starting point when sharing the gospel
1 Cor 15:3-4 and 2 Timothy 2:8 Acts 13:13-17 and Acts 17:22-25 This was to build a bridge between Biblical truth and the local’s worldview. In order to help them more easily understand and embrace the gospel. Application

8 Contextualization 2. How to spread the gospel 1 Cor 9:19-23
All things to all men Acts 15 and 16 – circumcision’s purpose Don’t compromise the gospel

9 Contextualization 3. Contextualizing Forms of Worship When to worship
Setting of worship Structures of worship Others? Syncretism’s – mixing of Christian assumptions with those worldview assumptions that are incompatible with Christianity so that the result is not biblical Christianity. For example – Matteo Ricci.

10 UPG’s perspective on the Han Chinese
History of the Han and the minority groups Similar to Whites and Blacks in America

Can Chinese people tend to be ethnocentric? How to fix this problem? What are some practical steps you can take to help your church to become less ethnocentric, more contextual? What is the basic worldview of the UPG you would like to reach with the gospel? How can you alter your method of evangelism to better fit their worldview?

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